coyote1284: P.E.T.U.

Alright, I have to admit it. Though I enjoyed BGaE, it just didn't live up to the hype for me. Great story, but IMHO the gameplay didn't really break new ground. Mash attack button, save moderately helpful friend from attack, stealth, drive, take a picture. The only game mechanic that stood out for me was using and

@Herabek: Link has classically been a lefty, and even as a righty myself, I'd take the "added challenge" of swapping which hand uses which controller to keep lefty Link. Hell, you could still hold the controllers in the standard position, it'd just feel weird to swing w/ your right and see the character slash

@FabDex: Yeah, yeah, yeah, semantics. I know Aronofsky's Batman project faltered *then* Nolan's completely different script was picked up, but I was going for the quick riff.

I find it quite fitting the Aronofsky should take the Superman reboot from Nolan seeing as how Chris stole Batman from Darren years ago.

@data_enabler: I like this one better than 16, mostly for keeping Wander with Colossus, not inserting Ico.

@jccalhoun: The alternative in informal/interpersonnal speech is a 'stop', which leads to interruption. I got the "um" drilled out of me, but not my 'thought-to-word' pauses. I am often interrupted because others think I have finished my thought.

There you go Judge Judy, "Um" IS a word!

@Andy Neil: Hence, "other than", meaning the writer understood that as well.


@bookwench: I believe we would only perceive a single black hole as I would imagine a two-dimensional entity could only perceive its native 2 dimensions and would be unable to perceive us except where we influence a 2D plane. That's also why I hate "folding space" and its accompanying demonstration of a piece of

@Andy Neil: I think what the editor meant was that non-extinct life-forms continue to evolve and there is no "ultimate" state that life can achieve.

@floobie: You mean they aren't going around and hugging electric car drivers in the GWN? I was so close to moving to Winnipeg and buying a Nissan Leaf just to be hugged by a polar bear. Thanks for killing my dream, jackass. ;_;

@Smeagol92055: @lavardera: The "Verse" exists in a star cluster of five core stars, around which orbit several protostars, gas giants, and exoplanets. Several of the planets, gas and exo, also support terraformed moons. Bai Hu (or White Sun) at the center and home of the Alliance, the other 4 revolve around it. Quing

@madog: But what about eggs or butter?

@ObiHaiv: "we don't buy the small 8-oz Coke any more; we spend more money on the 16-oz bottle,"

@BigKenW: Mess with the best, die like the rest.

@marythegr8: Sure Brain, but who would watch Snow White and the Seven Samurai?

Editor forgot about Frequency and Amplitude; Harmonix's pre-Guitar Hero games.