
Uh...does this great franchise you refer to include the garbage Alien 3 and ressurection?

No Beth one side is clearly wrong, and why we can’t have fun. #pcpolice

They need a MP3 player

This is why I quit card games

The sequel should be Gastons attempted revenge using the sorceress magic and he should become a beast


But only the first season was good why would I want 3 seasons of garbage?

But only the first season was good why would I want 3 seasons of garbage?

It’s actually a fun show, Julia’s character is just a B plot most of the time but the writer Beth talks about it more bc of the rape/revenge stuff but that’s what you get for fucking around with magic and the only time her character was interesting to me personally.

Just a show, no one really got raped so calm down.😓

Nobody uses the word bellicose, you’ve been thesaurusing haven’t you?

I liked it, but was disappointed Eliot hooked up instead of killing the other king, could have been major character growth

No prequels suck, there’s no interesting story there, make a Gaston sequel where he tries to get revenge or gets cursed himself

Seems the headache could work easily

This usage of Thor as a title annoys me....


Sounds better than the garbage Skull Island film I wasted 11$ seeing.

It felt very contrived having Quentin have magic drunk sex with Margo and Elliot to only have Alice see and then have her revenge sex penny(the most intolerable character on the show to me) to cement a breakup. But I liked their relationship and just think it was last minute bullshit to tear them apart.

Fuuuu....I had an idea very similar to this....😰

I abandoned ship when Jessica jones was the dumbest shiz and daredevil s2 sucked

So the cw usual...