
Sure, it seems like basic stuff ... but muffing such things is closer to the rule than the exception in genre fare. Apparently it must be harder in practice than it looks, so why not applaud it when one sees it?

I hate the complaints that Stranger Things is just designed to massage the nostalgia-center of the brain (like Ready Player One or Dane Cook). It’s an entirely original work that takes place in a nostalgic time; the kids like the things we like but ultimately the series isn’t about that, if anything their only

I just had a reeeeeal hard time with my suspension of disbelief in that. That big fucking crate was where I mentally checked out.

Quite. “What the fuck have you done lately?” > “This is the look on my face while I’m fucking you in the ass!” Has Mark Millar been taken to therapy yet, ‘cause he strikes me as not the kind of person who would willingly go.

The plot is BvS is pretty simple man.

I’m with you... even something as heartless as The Raid made sure to cover the bases in the character/stakes department.

I will continue to eat and enjoy the Marvel cookie cutter films because cookies are good (no matter what kind they are).

Will never understand creators making Batman kill people. That’s a fundamental misunderstanding of the character right there.

God, Mark Millar is an overgrown middle schooler. The closest the wanted comic ever gets to the clever parody it thinks it is is with Shithead and he is literally just an anthropomorphized poop joke (author insert perhaps?). That last page particularly, holy cow, the most Mark Millar thing this side of my toilet.

Even as someone who likes Millar’s work, Wanted the comic is...certainly something. It’s not as viscerally awful as The Unfunnies (which Millar himself appears to want to forget) but he’s improved drastically as a writer in his other own work.

This is bad. Am I still Liam Neeson (in the Grey)?

“But its actual action scenes, with the exception of the spectacular truck-flip, were sloppy, indistinct, and forgettable.”

The only thing I remember about Taken was that Maggie Grace snuck off to Europe to follow a U2 tour from city to city, which I find hilarious.

reminds me of this funny fan art i saw one time

Having said that, and working this business, you always know that if someone wants to make a third or a fourth or a fifth, they can and they will.

One of the biggest tensions in the original works is that the kid who is a model of Japanese societal success turns into a mass-murderer almost instantaneously after being given the power to kill anonymously. That’s why the potato-chip scene works so well. We’re literally watching an ostensibly good person internalize