
Thanks! You had me at 'former members of Magma'.

Right on. I picked up Crises for $5 at a second hand sale on a whim and grew to love it. That's what prompted me to give him a deeper look. I still have to get ahold of Five Miles Out, but it's on my wish list.

Ommadawn is even better.

Sweet! I get to listen to Emily Blunt too.

I listen to the Kermode & Mayo podcast intermittently. Which one was your letter on?

This thing sucked but Eva Green was good in it

'Fracture' is incredible.

Look, that's a funny movie and Rogen delievers that line perfectly.
But honestly, the cover of Asia's debut album is f-ing boss and I wish I had a poster of it.
My virginity has nothing to do with this opinion.

Thank you for that.
The greatest King Crimson song?

80s King Crimson is too underrated. King Crimson's history is so convoluted that eventually every era of the band had at least one masterpiece and one stinker. The Wetton era had two: Lark's Tongues and Red.

As a Carol fan since the Captain Marvel rebranding, it's easy for me to think "Bendis is a bad writer and I can ignore this" rather than "Oh, Carol Danvers sucks now."

Well said!

Not to mention Superior Foes of Spider-Man, Ant-Man and the underrated T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents miniseries.

All I know is: through EVERY issue of Sam Wilson Captain America, the main villains have been corporations, anti-immigrant militias, right wing pundits, privatised police and neo-nazis. Then in ONE issue, a parody of extremist liberal stereotypes appear and this proves that the writer is a right wing shithead.

Except that the entire issue was framed around these Bill O'Riley and Anne Coulter-types who are clearly the most despicable people.

Well, he is now Galactus the Lifebringer.

Yeah, that was one issue out of 30+ so far.
As someone whose happy to be called an SJW, I thought it was funny. Taking some legitimate ideas and pushing them to extremes. You know, satire. We need to be able to laugh at ourselves occasionally.

I have to wonder how many of these people criticising Nick Spencer's Cap books have actually read them, because it's incredibly clear in them that his allegiance is very much to social justice, even if he doesn't 'tow the party line' 24/7.

I haven’t read The Oath and Civil War II sucked Galactus’ balls obviously, but I do not understand the writer’s take on Nick Spencer’s Captain America run.

They're too big to stoop to such things.