I need to listen to the 'Brown Sugar' with Clapton on it.
I need to listen to the 'Brown Sugar' with Clapton on it.
How many albums have a better 10 part opening/closing sequence than Brown Sugar-Sway-Wild Horses-Can't You Hear Me Knocking-You Gotta Move-Bitch-I Got The Blues-Sister Morphine-Dead Flowers-Moonlight Mile?
The greatest Rock (capital 'r') album of all time, hands down.
I honestly thought for a minute there that Aleida had somehow contacted Cesar and told him to act extra crazy when Bennet comes over, in order to convince him to let Mary Steenburgen adopt the baby.
I really hate when people accuse all YA stories of being cookie-cutter 'chosen one' tales based on flimsy social metaphors.
But damn if this doesn't sound like one flimsy, cookie-cutter story.
Despite being a Generation Xer 4 life and a 90s music apologist, I've never seen this movie.
Well, is it less believable than 1985, when a computer could build you Kelly LeBrock and a nuclear missile?
I saw Johnny Mnemonic recently, and aside from some obvious dated elements - like Dolph Lundgren being in A-list movies, and the cybernetic dolphin, from back when people deified dolphins instead of being them for the aquatic assholes they really are - the movie hold up surprisingly well, from a retrofuturist point of…
What is the point of Neon Genesis Evangelion?
I'm not joking. I'd like to see them try and explain it.
And what makes me mad is, what's wrong with slick 70s radio rock? Sounded good then, sounds good now.
I think you give too short a shrift to One Two Three. While there's some satire in there, it's primarily a farce. The sheer joy of watching Jimmy Cagney and Horst Buchholz attempting to top each other with insults and rants is self-justifying.
For some reason, when I was a kid we had this film on Betamax, and I've…
I'm not mad that they don't share my taste in Beatles songs.
They can be awesome characters, but when you see the same types again and again and again…
This article was fine and all, but does it bother anyone else that these 'We're No. 1' articles have largely devolved from in-depth think pieces about the nature of the zeitgeist and pop history (under Steven Hyden), into quasi-interviews/elevated puff pieces?
This sounds like an early episode of Fringe stretched out to be the entire premise of a series.
Not sure what makes this a 'great job'. Seems more like a myopic fan rewriting history. Wyclef and Pras weren't 'filler'.
Jesus fuckin' Christ. Why not shed the pretence and skip straight to the Hunger Games already?
True, in real life. But the people making the movie went to a lot of trouble to design elaborate routines, and they should have shown them in full.
How did that remake end?
If it didn't end with 'All You Need Is Love', then it's an automatic fail.
I really don't care how formulaic this is or how 'problematic' some of the characters are, I really enjoyed this film. And the crowd I saw it with lapped it up. It probably won't seem as funny to me when I rewatch it alone. I caught the first movie on cable and thought it was a fun time-killer, but I had a surprising…