
For me, 'Sweet Emotion' could never be overplayed.
Excpet in Michael Bay movies, I guess.

Season 2 of Arrow is finally airing in Australia, so I look forward to watching that.

Geeez. Just from the opening paragraph this sounds like literally the last thing I would every be interested in watching. Bring on another Seltzer-Freidberg joint and wash it down with some Nickelback! I'd find that more interesting. The world's biggest manufactured pop star manufacturing a way for her audience to

Special props to the Brian Wood Dark Horse Star Wars comics - cut short too soon. R.I.P.

I actually do think it's hipster BS to claim Third/Sister Lovers is their definitive album, which some critics do, so we could hate on that…

Yeah, I wish they ring back the Primers, and especially the Gateways To Geekery. I discovered a lot of great music through that feature.

What bugs me about this is I have NEVER seen any of this so-called deification of Morrison. Even when Oliver Stone's movie came out, critics were targeting it for this very reason. My entire adult life of music collecting, there's been this idea that The Doors were massively overrated and Morrison was a huge douche.

Agreed. it's the tone of this feature more than the initial idea that bugs me.

I have this theory that the critics who loved punk pushed the idea of 'three chords and the truth!' to the extreme, propagating the myth that attitude and street-level 'realness' were what mattered, rather than musical chops and creativity (prog and metal were the enemies of punk according to this narrative). This

I think though, that one of the reasons contributing to the rise of pre-fab lifestyle rap and cut-and-paste EDM and bland wussrock is that nothing has stepped up to fill the vacuum, because critics aren't willing to push anything that doesn't fit their criteria sheet of "outside influences and lived experiences", as

Yeah, this wasn't the best Hatesong to go on this rant with; it just so happened I was able to get in early with a comment this time.

I despise this feature.

As good as this is, the immediate follow-up The Delivery Man is not only my favourite Costello album, not only his best country-infused album, not only one of his top 5 albums, but one of the best Americana albums of all time.
Just saying' is all.

Because 'best bad movie' is a contradiction, so that wouldn't be a worthwhile criteria. That goes back to the 'guilty pleasure' BS I mentioned before.

I think we're each relying on a different meaning of the word objective. In the social sciences, we accept a somewhat 'looser' definition of the word than I think you're using.

But they would be objectively better experimental classical music pieces, just as BoRap would be an objectively better rock song. It all depends on how you choose your criteria. But you have to have criteria.

But WHY can't it refer to an objective truth? You haven't answered that.

Well, as someone who hasn't studied music theory (though I wish I had, given how much of my brainspace music takes up) some of the other criteria you could judge BoRap by would be its inventiveness relative to other music of 1975, or how it was constructed without the aid of computers or auto-tuning. Those count for

You're getting sidetracked by semantics. The problem isn't whether the word 'better' is referring to a fact or an opinion.
Your argument hinges on the idea that the concept of 'better' - as in: intrinsically superior according to some criteria - cannot be applied to movies.
I think it can, because we do it all the

As evidence that you may be on to something: Note how many 'bad movie' bloggers and podcast there are around, and how they all seem to cover the same movies. Conversely, you don't see as many sites devoted to celebrating the same good movies over and over again.