
You're surprised that commentators on a site devoted to obsessively discussing pop culture are acting a little obsessive about pop culture?

But you wouldn't invite your friends to a rowdy bachelor party at a bar without telling them first what that tone of the place is like. And the bar would have indicators so that any passer-by can see what kind of place it is.
Just so, spoiler warnings serve the same purpose online.

Which color Lantern would Todd be? I'm guessing Blue. He always hoped that shows would get better.

The way you put it, I agree with both those positions too. It's logical to have an 'expiration date' on spoiler warnings. If a person wants to wait over a year to check out something, and THEN reads an article about it, they should fully expect to be spoiled.

I actually completely agree with you.
I've mentioned on other comments on this article that I live in Australia, and we often get films and TV shows years later than the US, so I've trained myself (like an online ninja!) to recognise when articles have potential spoiler.
Australia has recently started receiving Marvel

Both your points are great.

Oh, absolutely. Some things can't be helped, and everybody makes mistakes. You've got to make allowance for human fallibility.

Your first paragraph is exactly what this article made me think of. Todd seems remarkably tone deaf here; like he doesn't recognise that, as not just a citizen of the US with access to all it's numerous legal means of accessing content, but also as a paid media critic who has access to content free and ahead of time,

Bro, do you even society?

Exactly. And I know how to navigate this site to avoid spoilers. I've trained myself, because the onus is on me. And that's why I don't complain.

WTF? How is it 'catering to me' to simply not do something that would ruin an experience for me?

Managing spoilers is just basic common curtesy.

Fuck you. Seriously.
I'm not a cry baby because I want a chance to be surprised by a story. If the author wrote the story with the intention of the audience being surprised by something, then I have a right to experience the story fresh to be surprised.

Then thank God you didn't marry her.

No love for A.M.?
As a fan of Uncle Tupelo more than Wilco, 'Shouldn't Be Afraid' is one of my go-to uplift songs.

I was referring to the tone of the stories, which is usually more important than the exact details.

For some reflexive reason, the opening chords of 'Darling Nikki' give me a queasy feeling that I can't shake no matter how many times I listen to the song.
I've so far resisted the allure of Prince outtakes, because I know that's a very verrrrry deep rabbit hole.

I saw some clips of those UK shows, and I felt so jealous.
People seem to default to Purple Rain being his best album, but 'Computer Blue' followed by 'Darling Nikki' is a pretty big dead spot for me. I think Sign O The Times is his greatest achievement. It just feels more organic and expansive. Plus is it has all

Gotham is New York when it's a fantastical over-the-top sci-fi Batman story (The Dark Knight Returns, Burton's Batman)
Gotham is Chicago when it's a noir-ish 'realistic' crime-oriented Batman story (Year One, Gotham Central, Nolan's Batman)
Gotham is Detroit when it's an apocalyptic, existential, action-oriented Batman

And that's another reason why it sucks that we can't get Netflix here in Australia.