
Milo really ought to Google the name Ernst Röhm.

You can teach a person to be a bigot. You can teach a person to not be a bigot. You can’t teach them to have or not have a mental disorder. In this case we’re talking nurture, not nature.

It’s not like he’d go for a song like Separate Ways which is about actually accepting things are over even if you’re still in love.

“Harry Dean Stanton as Andie’s dad elevated this film.” 

It was a sartorial crime against humanity.

You CANNOT just make a post like this and not include pics. I will harry you until your dying day for pics!

There’s a difference between talking in a low calm voice and whispering like a serial killer.

Yeah, the only white women who can pull off blue eyeshadow are brown-eyed and have tan or olive skin. If your eyes are blue or green it just competes with them.

I love how it just embraced the batshittery. The headlines were so goofy it was almost wholesome.

I’d say they’re more like the Gestapo, but yeah.

Pity more people didn’t heed Diana Moskovitz’s message.


I particularly hate the idea when they apply it to things like the Salem witch trials. The whole point about it was that there wasn’t anything supernatural and it was just human hysteria taking over. I’m less upset in cases like this show but it would be nice to see a straightforward man vs nature, Jack London

Even if there hadn’t been a recent battle, seemingly healthy people can drop dead from heart attacks or strokes anytime. In the real world, even with our preventative medicine it happens. It would be worse in the z-poc.

dafuq I just watch?

To be fair to the movie, names like George, Richard, Thomas, and Ralph (though the British pronunciation “rayf” has more gravitas) are all names that go back to medieval times or older. It just so happens that these names have survived into contemporary times as opposed to names like Godwin, Ragnar, Theophilus, or

Put up a trigger warning before mentioning the Bowling Green Massacre, you monster!

And for finding out where the soda went.

The only question I want answered re. FTWD is when will Madison figure out who farted?