
Damnit, tag your porn!

You say sheltering, I say keeping them captive. Let those spideys go!

Dear famous people, you don’t need to have a charity of your own if you want to look good or genuinely care about helping people. Name a cause, and there’s probably at least 2 charities already that are doing a better job than you ever could. Donate to them instead.

ICE=Gestapo. Always.

Also how the music stops dead when he blows. Perfect for showing how underwhelming it is.

4) Is it really a good idea to expect an audience to sympathize with a Russian spy right now? Cuz the minute I heard the awful accent I had less than zero fucks to give about seeing it.

Either way I’m seriously fighting the urge to punch the screen.

Is it just me or does Mikhail Kolyada have a sort of King Joffery/Justin Bieber thing going on? I just want to imp-slap him the way Tyrion did in the first ep of GoT.

So true. If I want to see someone Zamboni-ing the ice with their ass, I’d record myself trying to skate and watch it. At the very least clean skates should get an extra point or two for artistry because nothing takes you out of the mood than a failed jump.

I need a cigarette

You think you feel dirty? I’m a Steelers fan and rooted for the Eagles. Shudder.

You think you’re old? My first rap song was “Jam on It”.

This times infinity. Now is not the time for purity tests.

More like 10 seconds later.

IDK, if you’re going to be compared to a Pokemon, Blastoise is definitely a compliment.

<sniff> Fine, I didn’t want to hang around you either! <sobs uncontrollably>

Back when H1N1 was a threat, a coworker of mine had her son vaccinated first cuz he had asthma. Her daughter got sick before she could get hers. The son also got sick, but while the girl was sick for a couple of weeks, he was sick for only the weekend. He didn’t even miss one day of school. So even though he was

When they showed the Danes’ shield wall in the pilot ep, it was gorgeous. I have to deduct half a point for the show having the Saxons inexperienced in making their own shield walls (it was an ancient battle technique that worked for centuries until the rise of calvary in combat) but otherwise that battle was