
The males bite in order to hold on. Sharks and their cousins don’t have arms to hold each other. For the female, it probably feels like getting a hickey. The only problem happens is when you get a dumbass male accidentally biting her abdomen, like in the story you linked. I’m betting that’s more of a problem for rays

Well shit. Looks like I’m gonna have to find another hiding place for the bodies.

13-year-old suicidally depressed and constantly bullied cowsharky really needed that song when it came out. Dunno if I can claim it per se as I’m white, but it still was very important for me.

You jest, but white sharks really do have beautiful blue eyes:

Bullshit. I’m a crazy bitch and I know many other mentally ill people and none of us would starve a little kid. Mental illness doesn’t affect morality. Some people are just plain evil.  

I work in retail and when parents put their kids’ clothed butts on the counter I whip out the hand sanitizer and paper towels to clean it before the next customer. I’d prolly scream if anyone changed their kids there. I believe children are our future but I also believe they’re walking petri dishes.

Now playing

Consider Scotland. It’s a Celtic country with beautiful scenery, abortion is legal there, as it is part of the UK, and the lovely people there have made hating Trump a national sport:

Honestly, how foolish are humans? When the tentacled ones rise, they will remember this.

Isis brought life*. DAESH brings death.

Tell her that Joann’s offers a 15% discount for teachers (she’ll need to bring in something showing that she’s a teacher and has the current year on it, so a pay stub or work email would work) and we are 100% apolitical and as far as we know, haven’t funded DAESH.

Granted, I don’t work in food, but as a retail worker I can confirm that we’re always expected to have something to do. Typically we’re expected to work the registers when needed (the primary task), answer questions for the customers, retrieve items that are behind a lock (craft store—you wouldn’t believe the shit

The book genuinely pushes the pro-fascism shit while the movie satirizes it. The movie is better.

There are a fuckton of poor people who didn’t vote for Trump who are also gonna die, myself included. In fact, the majority of poor people voted for Hillary. If you let the Trump voters die, you’ll let the rest of us die as well. You should consider switching sides; you’re just as heartless as any Republican.

I give up. In a few days I’ll be seeing my doctor and I think I’m gonna ask him to help me wean off my antidepressants. I’m still very depressed and actually need more, but I can’t add to the list of meds I can’t afford. If I do it now, I won’t have to quit cold turkey when Medicaid dies. I’m gonna need what little

I give up. In a few days I’ll be seeing my doctor and I think I’m gonna ask him to help me wean off my antidepressants. I’m still very depressed and actually need more, but I can’t add to the list of meds I can’t afford. If I do it now, I won’t have to quit cold turkey when Medicaid dies. I’m gonna need what little

Oooh, can I use that? It’s perfect.

Zac added, “I was disappointed that nobody noticed the pun of ‘venEAReal disease.”

You’re both wrong. He’s a SEX-President.