
Especially since he mentioned the hate campaign against Leslie Jones, which should’ve made this asshole persona non grata long before the pedo comments.

Wait, what?

And keep in mind that at least PA has the kind of voting machines that have no paper trail. My state hasn’t gone red since ‘88. No way we did for that shitass.

Gorby was definitely a better ruler than his predecessors and successors at least regarding the west. Russia was at a crossroads in the 90s, and it sucks that it ended up back in the same old totalitarian state as before. I was born in ‘72, and this is not the kind of ‘80s nostalgia I want revived.

I knew that there was rape as a weapon by both sides, but I never knew about the stuff about the Red Army until this year. I think what is so disturbing is that instead of turning a blind eye or doing the bad apple defense (both of which are shitty ways of addressing rape), the top brass was so blase about it. Very

If ya gotta go back to the 17th century, it’s prolly not good. Though I was thinking more post czar times.

I sure hope so. What scares me is that at least in WWII there was the UK and us at least, not to count those like the partisans fighting in occupied countries. What can we do when the enemy is us?

Point, but when it comes to interference in other countries, Russia is hell-bent on killing liberal secular democracy in favor of nationalist fascism. If Putin succeeds in France and Germany, there is no significant western power left to fight for western ideals. Yes, the US and other countries like the UK, France,

Sometimes I really fucking hate Russia. Was that country ever anything but totalitarian scumbags with no talent other than trying to ruin the rest of Europe?

Don’t forget that at least some Bernie Bros are Russian trolls. Either way, they’re pure shit in human form.

Yes, persecution, war, and genocide is so exciting. I’m sure people of certain ethnicities who lived in Germany ca. 1939 would agree.

Prior to Hitler getting cocky enough to invade, they were 100% ok with Hitler destroying Europe. And they certainly had no problem with killing Jews in their country.

“Frau ist Frau.”

“Frau ist Frau.”

If we’re gonna talk animals, can we first point out that the header picture is one of the worst cats I’ve ever seen? Why some people insist on owning such cats is beyond me...

Mucho dress envy.

Well my conscience says it’s totally what she deserves. Feel free to use it to justify your petty side.

Also, the trans community includes people who are black, Latinx, poor, etc. But of course she would forget that. Also, what about taking what you’ve learned from your life experience and applying it to ppl outside your community? Like, if shit is hard for a wealthy white transwoman, imagine how it could be for a poor

The place is the closest to the Garden of Eden we’ll get on earth and the likes of Palin and Sessions hate it. That just says it all.

It’s pretty damn hard to kill hosta, so don’t be scared. A few years from now when your yard is 99% full of them you’ll be wishing for some dry summers.