At this point we can just start calling the ICE scum the Gestapo, right?
At this point we can just start calling the ICE scum the Gestapo, right?
Stop trying to inject logic into a good victim-blaming thread.
“I hate to blame the victim”
I think it can vary wildly. My college experience was fairly liberal, but that was in the 90s in Pittsburgh. The fact that we’re talking about Kansas in these uber fucked up times makes a difference.
Yeah, but if she were in office, she would’ve made sure the bombs actually destroyed the runways and not warned them before. You’re assuming that those who agree with the bombing in theory also approve of the incompetent way he executed it. And furthermore, if that candidate you despise so much were in office, we…
You’re assuming that any interference ends with regime change. If only there had been a candidate who talked about ideas like no-fly zones...
Not sure but I’m pretty sure it has to do with who is and isn’t a true Scotsman.
How does a dog pee on the tree right?
In many Protestant doctrines, especially the Duggar brand, he didn’t even need a priest to do that.
It’s tough when one has to choose between hatred of Jews and hatred of Muslims.
1. I’ve never watched Girls, but the first time I saw that Shoshanna chick in a commercial for it I thought she was 14.
1. I’ve never watched Girls, but the first time I saw that Shoshanna chick in a commercial for it I thought she was 14.
“Oooooh man it’s hard!”
Also, if he was being so inconsiderate to his fellow passengers, why were they clearly protesting on his behalf in the video?
Yeah but with all the heat it would be hard to breathe out in out in...
So will some humans.
That attitude never made sense to me, considering that Spanish is one of the Romance languages. I know that the name means that Spanish is descended from Latin and not that it’s officially romantic, but let’s face it, even swearing in Spanish is pretty. If I didn’t know what mierda meant, I’d consider it for a girl’s…
You cannot mention Jaws IV without including this lovely quote from him when asked if he’s seen it: “I have never seen it (Jaws 4) but by all accounts it is terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built and it is terrific.”
Gods yes. I’d date that T-Rex.
This gif is hypnotizing.