
I’ve seen an interpretation of the animated film as both Belle and Beast are outcasts, she because she likes to read and dream big, and he because he’s a giant kitty man (furry fandom was in its infancy at this time). So it’s about two misfits coming together with a soupçon of Stockholm Syndrome. I personally think it

If the Beast beats and rapes Belle, they’d make it a G rating.

Also most medieval recipes* will have almond milk instead of cow milk because it had a longer shelf life, and when they did Lent, they went hardcore and avoided eggs and dairy as well as meat (but not fish). If a medieval person from any country were to encounter a vegan today, they wouldn’t make fun of them and they

I hope no one ever told her about Eskimo Pies.

How could anyone deny the existence of global climate change after that burn?

If it helps, the vast majority of people feel the same way. The evil fucker/s who did this are a minority. The fact that so many are horrified at this noble animal’s murder is something I’m using to maintain hope.

I think the motherfucker’s Rasputin reincarnated. I’d post a pic to compare, but I don’t want to give you nightmares. More than 100 years later and his eyes still scare the shit outta me.

The only Muslim he ever really hated was Saddam Hussein. He always made a distinction between terrorists and the vast majority of Muslims.


If she had a nude lip with the smokey eyes or red lip with understated eyes, it would work. The two together are too much. I’d go for nude lip, because the red lips with the red dress are too matchy.

I often wonder what execution method would be used if/when he’s convicted of treason. Yeah, I know, won’t happen, but we are talking day dreams.

The only presidents who didn’t have pets before him were Andrew Jackson, who committed genocide against the Cherokee people, and James K. Polk, who was a rabid believer in Manifest Destiny.

Nah, Tiffany is “Her?”

Love you sfm for this.

Love the “oh come on” when he mentions Thanos.

There never were snakes in Ireland. It wasn’t hospitable during the Ice Age and when it ended, there was no land bridge to the continent. Britain had a land bridge for a while which is why it has snakes, though only one native species is potentially harmful to humans. This doesn’t include humans bringing snakes in

I can see why people on the right defend Assad because it fits in with their reactionary being for anything Obama/Clinton is against and their infatuation with Putin, but wtf is the deal with those of the left? Is it just some extreme anti-interference position or something? I’d rather not get involved with a civil

Fairly young? I just Googled his age and he’s 27. I knew better when I was 7. Nah.

Awww, come on, not all of PA is Pennsyltucky. If you’re going to be cool with NY and it’s crabby residents (I say this with love for NYC), the jerks in Philly will fit in well, and most Pittsburghers are as friendly as Canadians. Also, Pittsburgh is a major center for medical and technological development.

I would think California, Oregon, and Washington are more likely to be part of Canada.