I’ve always felt for him, because being fat, camera shy or at least not as camera-loving as his siblings, and depressed is not a good combo in that family. The last thing he needs is drama.
I’ve always felt for him, because being fat, camera shy or at least not as camera-loving as his siblings, and depressed is not a good combo in that family. The last thing he needs is drama.
The key is empathy. As long as you have empathy you are ok. Anyone who is jealous of a little kid getting positive attention for having cancer has a big freakin’ empathy deficit.
There is zero evidence that it can prevent or treat PPD. To suggest such a thing is irresponsible when effective treatments are out there and untreated depression can be life threatening. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_placentophagy#Controversy
Oh you don’t even know who Disraeli is.
Medieval, though it’s a century or two ahead of what was actually worn then.
They couldn’t even be arsed to dye his fucking hair red. Not even that fucking detail. I refuse to watch that show for that reason alone.
I can’t even look at the still photos of the godawful costumes without my eyes bleeding. At least some discount prom dress outlet is getting business, I guess.
Not only was that apocryphal as fuck, it cheapens his love for his dead wife— the woman he went on this revenge spree for in the first place. By storytelling standards it was a stupid plot. But Mel just had to stick it to the English, I guess. Christ, I’m Irish and I think he goes overboard with the anglophobia.
I still kinda hold my breath when I hear a plane that’s flying low. And I live about 2 1/2 hrs from the Pittsburgh airport, so, fun.
To quote another poster who I’ve sadly forgotten, he lacks the depth and warmth to be a cunt.
You think you have problems? My boyfriend died over 1,000 years ago: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_th…
De-stigmatize cunt and twat. Those words were probably just descriptive before the Norman Invasion (this is a hypothesis, but it’s no coincidence that all of our swear words are of Old English or Germanic origin while the euphemisms are Latin) and if we insisted in only using those terms in reference to female…
Speaking as a pear, high waisted pants are the only way I can fit my hips, butt, and thighs while avoiding a waist gap a mile wide. The bathing suit shit makes no sense tho.
I used to teach computer skills to adults and my students have included people with learning disorders and (mild) cognitive disabilities. The only kind of student I hated to deal with were those who had no disabilities or challenges but were too lazy or know-it-all to learn. Willfully ignorant people like the shitass…
Even better would be if he is attracted to women who look like LD, but have decent personalities.
Are you sure you’re not thinking of an empanada?
For comedies:
It’s like a really fucked up gay rom-com. With cannibalism.
It’s not our fault! We sharks hug with our mouths!