
Off topic but I envy the fuck outta ppl who can do the single eyebrow raise. If there were a plastic surgery that allowed me to do that at will I’d go for it.

Thing is, if vapes have a strong smell they can trip off asthma attacks just as regular smoke and perfume can. As an asthmatic, I avoid places where I know where people might be smoking but if someone’s vaping in a place where traditional tobacco products aren’t allowed, I’m sucking down albuterol (which, because of

Yeah. We’re crazy but that doesn’t mean we’re evil.

It’s Rich, of course it was intentional. Love it.

All the stars for the E/R reference.

ILU so much for the vas deferens joke. So much.

Every time this man smiles a kitten is born. And a puppy. And a bunny.

Yeah, you’d have more fun sticking your hand in a mixture of piss, shit, and vomit.

Even fucking South Park did a better job mocking her (the running bit with the vehicular manslaughter was pretty funny) so it’s not like it’s impossible.

I’m white and I can’t even with white people’s shit. I can only imagine how horrible it is for you and other black/POC women to deal with it. LMK if you need help disposing of bodies. ‘-)

Bitch caused Pearl Harbor and you know it.

This was the moment when my like for her turned into love. She reminds me so much of my mom when she’s faced with bullshit (except that mom’s not as good as containing her reactions as Clinton is).

Does the Green Party do anything other than roll out a jackass every 4 years? Have they tried for any Congressional seats, even at the state level? Governors? Mayors? Alderman? Have they done any real grassroots work to get a foot in government?

Wait until your period and just bleed on the wood. It’ll split from pure disgust. Everyone knows menstrual blood has magic powers like that.

And, as I said in another thread, while the US has a way to go re. acceptance the fact that we don’t have the kind of laws France has means Muslim Americans are nowhere near as isolated as Muslim French. And we don’t have the kind of problems France has with extremism either.

Has it occurred to you that the forcing of secularism on French Muslims leads to them being isolated from non-Muslims and therefore ripe for anti-Western extremism? If a woman can’t wear swimwear that covers them up, they won’t go swimming. If they can’t wear a veil in school they’re more likely not to go to school.


We need to add the -fighter suffix to more professions. Cops? Crime fighters. Teachers? Ignorance fighters. Pedants like some of the people who replied in this thread? Getting the point fighters.