
Sorry, this historical argument doesn’t wash. Every time in history when there has been a shitty status quo, there have been brave people questioning it. As the article itself points out, many of Brown’s contemporaries criticized her feminism only if you’re pretty and DTF deal. She doesn’t get a pass because she

Can you imagine how fun it would be to share a couple bottles of wine with her?

This cat’s prettier than most everything and everyone. Wow.

It’s at times like this I understand why Hamilton wanted the presidency to have no term limits.

I like how the side view shows how it does absolutely nothing to support the boobs at all.

And every day while slaves were being slaughtered and carted

Hey, I have a crush on Alfred the Great, so I completely understand.

Hamilton? The only evidence that could be interpreted as such is much more likely referring to paid employees. Hamilton wasn’t perfect but he was no slave owner.

The fucker had slaves, so it still is utterly delish. Of course a woman who was black and indigenous would be perfect...

A woman paid with a $2 at my store just the other day. It didn’t flummox my coworker who was the cashier for her but it was very memorable.

Even better—Nom Chomsky.

Be careful tho, cuz if he ever decides to go all Ed Gein in his next kill, your face might become his face.

Hedgehogs are asking for it, what with them hogging all them hedges...

Bernie Buttheads? Alliteration is always extra fun.

Makes sense. This whole deal is bullshit.

That would explain the highly controversial hats on cats policy Drumpf was talking about the other day.

Regarding the biting the hand thing, your very link says it’s highly unlikely. And while she could’ve handled the DVD controversy differently, the fact that she wasn’t included is unthinkable.

TWD is still an exception, rather than what’s typical, alas.

Also, I think the problem was trying to elevate Katrina to primary status, instead of secondary. Yeah, tell her story, but not at the expense of Abbie. And then they brought in Poochy, and things went to hell.

Right now even The Walking Dead, formerly infamous for the black man Highlander problem, is treating POC characters better. Scary.