
I started working for Joann Fabrics in October, and being there really has my creative juices flowing. That, plus discount, equals my doom. ;-)

I don’t put that much effort in stuff I love. Like, I’ve been working on figuring out how to reproduce panels of the Bayeux Tapestry and I bet the time I spent looking up what stitches were used and finding pictures that can be interpreted was still less than what that idiot spent on trying to shame this woman. What a

Which, when you think about it, means he must be particularly repugnant if the woman who says yes to literally everyone else says no to him.

Now I like all three of those bands and I like Rush. Not sure what that means.

They’re pro-birth, not pro-life, that’s why.

For those who are disenchanted with GoT, may I suggest The Last Kingdom, which is based on the Bernard Cornwell novels taking place in 9th century England at the time of King Alfred the Great*?… The show is more comparable to Vikings than GoT, but it does have the sense of

I can’t get over the fact that a newborn baby doesn’t have teeth, so a zombie baby wouldn’t have any as well. Now Nosferatu baby, I can see ‘cuz that’s another species.

You were the one saying that Islam period needed reform, not that some denominations of Islam. As for the Quran not having variations, that’s because so many Muslims and non-Muslims speak and read Arabic. The original languages the Judeo-Christian Bible were written in are dead now, so we have many more variations

1. 100 years ago, Protestant Irish were considered white but Catholic Irish weren’t. Bigotry against members of a religious group and against members of a perceived race can intersect.

If you want to watch a Middle Ages show that doesn’t revel in brutality and misogyny (while not glossing over it either), I really rec “The Last Kingdom”. It finished its run on Saturday, but you should be able to get the eps On Demand. It’s based on the Saxon tales by Bernard Cornwell and while the scope is smaller,

His face looks like a ball sac and his mouth looks like an anus.

OK this is not at all related but I need to vent. I’m sick and fucking tired of the embedded goddamn ads for fucking Casual. Every time I read a story here, no matter how much I scroll, I gotta see that same annoying shit with the chick spreading her legs. Normally I don’t care about the ads but this shit is on every

I work in retail and I’m better at deescalating than these guys.

Darn tootin’. Nordic types would never survive childhood in Egypt without heavy duty sunblock and staying inside all the time. I guess one could argue that a god could be pale and not have problems but then that again goes back to if you can cast anyone regardless of looks to be a god, why not cast more POC actors? So

Bring in Siddig, and the nerds will come.

I hadn’t thought of it that way. Usually it’s the other way around.

The fact that 3 women are willing to risk losing their careers over this is very telling.

Rosebudding seems pretty damn tame right now.

Exactly. Of course kids would be stupid enough to put them in their hair. Hell, they wouldn’t have to do it intentionally, since it seems all those bunchems have to do is be within 10 feet of a single strand of hair to tangle. Honestly.