I like her because she’s one of the few celeb women with a body similar to mine (tho I’m heavier and more pear-shaped than she is) and I need some goddamn representation. When did it become a crime to have hips?!?
I like her because she’s one of the few celeb women with a body similar to mine (tho I’m heavier and more pear-shaped than she is) and I need some goddamn representation. When did it become a crime to have hips?!?
This is totally my new fave gif.
Damn straight. Or rather, not...
In the dog pic it looks like the dog is saying “I eat my own poop and even I think you’re stupid.”
Speaking of which, does anyone know if there’s any hot man-on-man in Magic Mike XXL? I’m asking for a friend...
It is nice of them to make it easier to not have to see their stupid faces while you do so...
Eve and Mary Magdalene are fictional characters, but misogyny about them has been fucking things up for women for a long ass time.
If I ever get married it’s gonna have to be eloping or something like that. I hate the idea of standing in front of 100+ people whose attention is all on me and I’d be so paranoid. The only way I can be the center of attention is when I’m teaching but unless if I can give a lesson about the history of marriage I won’t…
Izzat Adele? She looks so young without the 60s styling.
In the spirit of such joyous reveling in conservative tears, I have to repost this lovely Scalzi post on Schadenfreude Pie: http://whatever.scalzi.com/2006/09/26/how…
She kind of is, since a lot of Amy’s personality is in there. But yeah, having a Leslie in politics would be awesome.
Looks like the start of a gay porno. Please let there be soccer-themed gay pornos with dudes as hot as these...
Oooh, very Romeo and Juliet.
A mix of Ben and Andy would be my perfect man.
Just put lace on the bandages and coordinate the flowers with the bruises. Done and done.
When I become dictator of the world, anyone who refers to alphas and betas* un-ironically will be forced to read omegaverse fanfic nonstop for 24 hours as punishment.
I think we’re witnessing a power struggle between Pope Francis and others like him and the die-hard conservatives, which would account for the contradictory messages. While he is the head of the Church, Pope Francis can’t just make every sweeping change he could or would want to because he’d need support for…
Your wife is an American hero.
It...repeats tonight. At 9pm EST. Cue Hallelujah chorus.