
The medieval period was no utopia but its reputation for violence and misogyny is exaggerated a bit. Where’s the GoT equivalent of Julian of Norwich? Or Christine de Pizan? Eleanor of Aquitaine? Hildegarde von Bingen? The closest female medieval equivalent I’ve seen is Joan of Arc for Brienne, but Joan had the respect

Regarding the it’s like the middle ages argument: First off, even in the actual medieval period the misogyny wasn’t dialed up to 11 like in the books and on the show. In fact, it’s been argued it’s more of a colonial-era show in terms of violence:…

Funny. When my life has been threatened by asthma, car accidents, tornadoes, household accidents, unwittingly being in the company of homicidal psychos, and depression and suicidal ideation I’ve seen neither hide nor hair of these concern trolls. The minute my ass got fat they came out of the woodwork. Where were you

Exactly. The book plot is perhaps even more atrocious because it exists only to further Theon’s arc. GRRM isn’t above misery porn either. The show doesn’t get any excuses from me either. Since the show is pretty much AU fanfic at this point, they could’ve done something different like have Ramsay not lay a finger on

Did my part for justice:

As consensual as it can be with an arranged marriage when you’re 13 years old. Sorry, I had to be that person. <g>

A lot of fans defend the graphic misogyny by saying it’s based on the middle ages. I like to read about the middle ages, particularly the early middle ages. Even the actual middle ages weren’t this full of misery porn. They can dial it down a notch without risking anachronism.

Sadly, I think the only reason it wasn't as graphic is because of Sophie Turner’s youth. Ever since they showed the rape fest at Craster’s Keep with the sister wives naked and tits jiggling (cuz somehow they can’t imply that the mutineer crows were brutalizing the women any other way) I’ve had no faith in the subtlety

Yeah, but that means nothing in Australia. Poor goggies.

My personal fave is the charge that the Steelers deliberately allowed their field to ice up before a home game against Oakland. Because the ice would impede only the Raiders.

Exactly. Way to bury the gods damn lede.

Different kinds of sociopathy, really. The Huckabee shitstain is more hands-on. Given that when someone's murdering animals the fear is that they'll go on to kill humans, I'd say Christie's worse. And murder by neglect is so passive-aggressive, and I hate that kind of shit. Both are evil fucks undeserving of their

At least one person died during that traffic jam bs so I'd say Christie is the bigger sociopath.

Shit from where her brain should be.

That's some funky modern art right there.

I'm so sending my hypothetical kids to Satan Camp. With the whole topsy-turvy moral thing happening here they'd prolly teach kids to save puppies and kittens and such.

Usually brown eyes are filled with warmth, but these are some cold, dead eyes if I ever saw 'em.

Good on you!

You're talking about that nightmare Zoe had, right? That was a very sad nightmare. Thank goodness it was only a bad dream...