
That is straight up abuse.

Because I was born to be "that person" and my catch phrase is "Actually..." I have to point out that opposing depictions of Mohammed is not universal among Muslims. Sunni Muslims tend to be against any depiction but modern Shia Muslims have many depictions of him. Of course, all Muslims would be justifiably angry at


I can see that. Also there's the fact that abuse is more likely happen within one's own racial/ethnic group and as a white woman so I'm gonna deal more with white men so it's logical for me to fear my fellow crackers. Also also the people who have the most power are the ones likely to abuse that power and

Yup, except that Ivy and Harley are way more than BFFs. <g>

Same here. I'd feel safer with those dudes than any of the nice white boys who've harassed and/or assaulted me.

What is supposed to be happening in that pic, cuz it also looks that way to me.


The thing about Columbusthatch is that he's been known to make really classist and at least one potentially racist comments. The last bit was when he was talking about Downton Abbey and the Victorian/Edwardian eras: "Everyone was held in their place, but what was honourable about it was that there was a duty of care

Antihistamines have a drowsy effect, which is why they are used in OTC sleep aids. If something makes you sleepy when you take it, it's bound to reduce anxiety.

That should be embroidered on a pillow.

Also loving animals is fairly universal so I'm sure many conservatives are horrified* by the fact that PETA's killed the vast majority of animals they take in their shelters.

To brag that he's not coddling prisoners by giving them soylent green instead of meat, and to save money (though I was under the impression that it's more expensive to go vegetarian, at least if you're trying to have a healthy vegetarian/vegan diet).

I think secretly they love PETA because they make it easier to discredit vegetarians/vegans and animal rights activists who aren't assholes.

He feeds on the prisoners' hope and will to live.

In response to TheLostShameofCharlieSheen, you write and I quote: "What's so unbelievable about that? Little kids get crushes on teachers all the time. I'm certainly not saying it was right for her to be receptive to his pursuit, but by all accounts, it was he who wouldn't leave her alone." If that's not implying that


Forever 21? More like Forever 12.

Well, she spent all that time grooming and gaslighting him, why put in all that effort just to dump him when he's legal? Seriously though, it'll be too hard to get another victim so he's her best bet for having someone. He's all Stockholm Syndrome here.

When I saw that Jesus had brown eyes, I was impressed. That's how white-washed a religion that started in the Middle East and had some of its earliest churches in African countries. Sigh.