
The genes for dark hair are dominant, while those for light hair are recessive. You only need one brown hair gene to be a brunet/te, but you need two blond hair genes to be blond/e.And that's how Ned figured out Robert wasn't the father of Cersei's kids (granted, in real life it's a bit more complicated as some brown

White women who voted for Fuckface von Clownstick ought to take heed. You might be white, but they still don't care about you.

I think if he were going to kill him, he would've looked more melancholy. The best thing would be to make Denis think he's turning him so he can die happy. How fucked up are things on this show that that seems like the moral choice?

I think it's the first cuz he expressly said he was 119 years old. Otherwise he'd say he was a vamp for 119 years.

It was funny. Don't expect it to change your life or become a classic, but it was pretty fun. And make sure to watch the dance bit in the end credits.

Even so, the minor earthquake that resulted from fans cheering the Snakes' deaths should've clued them in that it wasn't Yara or Ellaria.

Even if it were a clause it wouldn't necessarily merit a comma. The best advice an English teacher gave me was to put commas where you'd take a breath, and to use them sparingly. Unless if you're that one kid from Malcolm in the Middle, you don't need to take a breath in the middle of the original sentence.

I think Dany's gonna be around at least long enough to help defeat the White Walkers. The fact that she has freakin' dragons has to be instrumental in that. Also, the whole fire and ice thing has to have a payoff that lasts through to the next season.

Thinking about that issue, it makes one wonder how they can grow and preserve enough food for winters that last years. The summers must be insanely productive.

Also, by bringing in the Wildlings, Jon has made the argument that they can't hold on to past grudges and punish the children for their parents' sins. The traitors are dead and the current heads of those houses haven't shown any sign of treason. He can't expect the bannermen to accept the Wildlings and then turn

One of them (of course the one played by Mandy Moore) survives, according to other spoilers.

Movie never happened. You're hallucinating and a shark is nearby rolling its eyes at you.

It bothers me too, albeit only slightly. If they went realistic it might add to the humor. Like, you have this icky zombie head that's trying to snarl and moan but nothing comes out. At least I would find that funny.

" Plus, I'm fairly sure it was the guy that played that extraordinarily obnoxious crime scene tech in a single season of SVU who ended his time on the show by fucking up a case and going batshit crazy."

Wait, were they? I don't recall seeing zombies cannibalizing each other in NotLD.

I'd like to petition that "AUGH AUGH AUGH AUGH!" be used as the offical quote every time Tim Allen opens his hideous blowhole.

The biggest thing I love about Cap is that they have this man who is the ideal Aryan type and he fucking hates bigots and bullies. The fact that before the serum he was the kind of person the Nazis would kill adds to it.

Also, when Captain America #1 came out, we weren't at war yet. People could be Nazi sympathizers in public without getting much criticism. Simon and Kirby actually got death threats for that cover. It clearly was more than just a story idea to them.

Exactly. Just as in 1941 with the iconic Cap punching Hitler cover, we desperately need images of resisting fascism. Look at it this way, if the intelligence communities don't succeed in getting the fascists out of the White House, we might never see anti-fascism images ever again.

Celtic men usually have fuzzy chests, so that would offer some protection.