
She had NINE hours between when she was denied and when her rebooked flight was. NINE FUCKING HOURS

I have messenger but no facebook

you are not fun

Every poll has shown that people blamed trump and the republicans for the shut down, and DACA has incredibly broad bipartisan support among the electorate. What you just said is flat out not true.


you cant riot AT something you moron


LGBT people do not need lectures on misogyny from rich cishet white women, thank you very much. Dan Savage has also discussed the active role women have taken in acts of violence against LGBT people, so yeah the day a gay man’s comments cause a white lady to get MURDERED I will shed a tear for your privileged bull

Not to mention how she attacks LGBT people and tells Ellen she shouldn’t fight for trans rights when real women need her help.

She also told LGBT people they need to give up their voices to help “real women” because she is a TERF, so Rose can suck it

If she is getting married to someone else, he’s already been considered and found wanting. She’s made her own choice and he isn’t respecting it, because he thinks he knows better than her what is good for her, which is gross.

Wait but will this count as assets he didnt declare and will she be able to get them?

Because sports fans are ass holes?

You refuse to get a flu shot, why? Because you just don’t want to? And you call them an arrogant twat. Kill yourself.

Get the shot it isnt about you

You are an ass hole


Potbelly as in the sandwich portion? I’m not trying to be a dick here, but I thought it was generally accepted that simple carbs and basically most sandwiches in general were pretty terrible for your health. Seems a little counterintuitive to end your fast with something so unhealthy.