
Fellow shit for brains millenial here. I enjoy golf in the sense that I like getting drunk with my friends outside in the summertime while pretending to play sports. People who get up at six in the morning and wear 500$ worth of gear and are super serious about golf are nothing more than middle aged cosplayers who

My two cents:

The Oklahoma athletic department has responded with a brief statement—“We are aware of the matter and are learning the details. We don’t have any other information at this time.”

Hahaha “full game.”

That’s a pretty meteroic rise from his previous position as Assistant Defensive Coordinator at Penn State.

Who the fuck calls an 8am meeting?!? Fuck this guy.

I hope Mixon can figure out a way to get his degree b/c he won’t be playing in the NFL anytime soon. CFL anyone?

Earthquakes, wildfires and Kardashians. Woohoo.

I tried to like Paradise a lot. I just could not get into it. The last Burnout title I remember having was Revenge on Ps2. I think it had a 360 verison too, but I couldn’t be arsed at the time.

Need me some dedicated tracks. Which is strange to say since Horizon 3 has been sitting on my HDD since week of release. Had

Not true. Instead of using the garbage can, they keep sweeping everything under the rug.

Because he can play football really well and it doesn’t matter to the football program, coaching staff, athletic department, and university administration if he beats women so long as he can help them win.

Yeah! Like an asshole that wants to eat, and pay rent, and stuff. Unbelievable! Getting a job. And then doing it! What an asshole.

Hot take time: The White Sox are the true team that embodies Chicago. The Cubs are the team that embodies 20-something transplants who graduated for Big Ten schools.

You never have been and never will be a victim or “collateral damage” in this whole scandal so please go ahead and get the living fuck over yourself. Sir.  

Chicago Blackhawks Lose Their 1st Game

To be fair, market research determined 90% of the crowd would leave after the 2nd quarter to beat the traffic, so they stocked up accordingly.


I recently met a vegan Crosfitter who answered the age-old question.

You really nailed him! Killer burn, bro!