Tom Clancy’s Predator. Hmmmm, has Tom Clancy made any Sci-fi works that aren’t 15 Minutes into the future? (Future Soldier, I feel, is 20 minutes into the future)
Tom Clancy’s Predator. Hmmmm, has Tom Clancy made any Sci-fi works that aren’t 15 Minutes into the future? (Future Soldier, I feel, is 20 minutes into the future)
I talked to multiple people about this, and they all agree, plot is inoffensive and literally robs the edge of the story they are trying to tell. For me personally, that basically kills the whole thing, because a linear campaign that’s main draw being hero abilities and some vehicles sections isn’t really considered…
I think the number one thing that showcases this balance of reality and propaganda is the midpoint where BJ gets captured. They play with the “Good Guy always escapes capture” trope twice, and it takes his actual ‘death’ for him to escape and survive.
Well, I look dumb because I didn’t see the final part of the article, past the Social Media post. But why the title?
I don’t want to be too rude here, because there’s nothing wrong with it, but I don’t think this is surprising at all. The odd pairing is always popular (Tracer/Widow).
This concept art post happened to correspond with recent musing of mine about the character design of Watch Dogs 2 vs the costume and characters of Mr. Robot. While they are extremely different tones and goals, their characters do overlap. Watch Dogs 2 is ridiculous and over exaggerated, so being a little excessive…
It’s this guy and his room (he has more punkish nick knacks off frame) that really bugs me, but it would have been fine if he was the exception. I wish I had photos but Darlene’s crew, the group that cut the balls off of the Bull in Season 2, and the people at the Hacker Village in Season 3 are very much muted.…
Super true, when your defining trait is being a geek. So far, everyone in Mr. Robot is mutli-layered. I think they could have pulled it off something where the hacker community was a little more awkward. I think it would add to some modern day truths, that people that can topple society are the same people that have…
I mean it’s actual hacking, and thankfully they don’t just use it as a badge of honor; it controls the story flow and the scenarios the characters deal with.
So something that kinda bugs me about Mr. Robot is like, literally nobody is a geek, or a weeb, or any of the sort. They’re all stylish punk kids with a cyberpunk edge, with some slobbery thrown in. The sole exceptions are Romeo, who fits the older hacker persona well with his side-growing hobby, and Mobely, with him…
*double post* *womp womp*
I say, just follow the example set by Nintendo. Box-art style image and game title.
Ellen McLain, voice of GlaDos, did a talk at Digipen and was explaining that she was the current Aircraft Warning Voice. One of my classmates pointed out that aircraft staff call the voice Bitchin’ Betty, and it was the first time Ellen ever heard that. I saw a panel later in my life and she calls the role Bitchin’…
Keto diets are complicated.
Yeah, that’s why I ordered it with Steak instead of potatoes. : )
Just had one today with steak replacing the potatoes for 1.30 extra. It’s basically a stuffed omlette with a lot of cheese and I’m okay with that. Great for my keto diet.
I’m a pretty good charger player in Splatoon and standing makes me the better player. In Destiny 1, though, I would also stand during Trials of Osiris. It could be that I’m angled from the TV when sitting down, so standing up puts me front and center of the TV. I don’t think it’s a placebo with motion controls; I feel…
Lol, this is why I use The Vault as my Fallout Wiki.
The popularization of the eurogame is super interesting in how Germany shaped it all. Driving in Europe and going out isn’t as prevalent in the US, nor was TV, so the concept of family game nights was more popular there. Being family activities, themes of war and conflict are usually pushed to the side and rarely can…
Doesn’t it concern anyone that it is Powerpuff Girls 2016, which is fucking terrible?