
I wanted to cry for both Hunrybox and Armada.

Here’s a dumb joke.

I had no clue MOS Burger was a real thing. I thought it was made up for my GENKI Japanese Language book. I believe Takeshi-san accidently went to Mos Burger when Mearii-san said they would meet at McDonalds.

Yuji Naka

Winston is even harder. Genji’s swiftstrike will allow him to escape Mei’s slow debuff but Winston can easily keep pace.

While this is beta footage, I still believe in Genji utility.

I don’t think you can have a dumb names you gave examples of on PC because of the character limit.

In my head, it works better as 2 universes, the old universe and the new universe. The old universe is NES, SNES, Game Boy, and Link Between Worlds. The new universe is everything else and revolves around OoT.

I don’t understand international copyright law.

So Artemis does exist and it’s a 6 person game. The captain doesn’t even get a station.

Resident Evil VII biohazard
Biohazard 7 resident evil

So it’s clever they’re using the other name as a subtitle, but currently, I’m seeing it only one way; Resident Evil is perfect for the rural setting, but it remains to be seen if there is a heavy subject on humans turning into monsters.

Sounds like the ultimate spiting of Oculus after their lawsuit.

OP was acting like a pompous asshole.

Changes from games in trailers aren’t a black or white situation.

Yes, tell me how game development works, you bastion of the industry...

Well the way this idiom is described, it seem it could represent the contrast between the powerful Dragons and the ordinary humans, the two states of the characters in the story.

Correction: Ultra-nightmare is just Nightmare with permadeath.

Oh wow.... thing I worked on now have articles on Kotaku. What a day.

I demand reposting all of the Black Panther articles on Kotaku as they come out.