I love Kyle Bosman and Pop Fiction. I’m sooooo sad.
I love Kyle Bosman and Pop Fiction. I’m sooooo sad.
What the hell is up with Doomguy’s lack of respect for the dead? Even if the UAC deserves it, their grunt workers don’t. I wouldn’t mind if this characterization was apart of an anti-hero persona, but at this point, Doomguy has no persona.
This is fucking abuse of trademark, and the only way I would ever agree with what they did, is if there is a contract for your likeness.
I forgot this segment:
I like LegoMan’s playthrough of Perseinfeld 4 Golden, too.
When I have crunch time on a project and have literally no time for long breaks, the way I usually refresh myself when I’m stuck is to go and walk to the restroom. I usually come back with all new ideas.
I want this to succeed, because I am totally up for telling stories in the same universe of a game, rather than retelling game stories.
Unless they did something interesting with it, like have actual bounty systems or competing bounty hunters you can’t kill, it would have been Star Wars Uncharted... not a bad game, but nothing special. Even Tomb Raider did some things different to make it somewhat special.
You must be fun at parties.
Personal opinion; should have kept the slap in view but remove the emphasis. Make it more of a taunt than a sexual thing. People taunt with their ass in real life.
Sooooo.... about that gamepad...
When Mr. VR went onstage on the game awards in a blue hawaiian shirt, I swear I thought they were making a TIME magazine joke.
I like MGS
I like MGS2
I like MGS3
*mispost, please delete. Thanks*
It’s sitting on a 87-84 on Metacritic. For a franchise this infrequent, anything below a 90 is somewhat worrisome.
Bethesda made their buck now off of good will from Fallout 3 and some of Skyrim. There was absolutely a hype train created soley by the core gamer community. Even with a large time gap between games,…
Sorry, Modern Warfare 2 money... I mean Fallout 4 is comparible to this year’s COD release, but it doesn’t constitute the rabid fanbase, which includes a lot of “part-time gamers”.
Fallout 4 was more of an event of the gamers, while games like COD and GTA V where events for literally everyone that had gamed in their…
Only if you make Call of Duty money...
My favoritie thing about this, is that Bethesda cannot make another Fallout game like this again. Enough people are reasonably vocal about these changes that remove the Role in RPG.
I really hope for a Yo-kai Watch baloon next year.