
Spider-Man 2 was the game where you had to have your webs connect something.

This is based off of a Creepypasta, Abandoned by Disney. Hence, the name. Treasure Island, and the inverted Mickey Mouse colors.

Death by Snu Snu.

Not a single KO punch?

Former Criminal with Tattoos makes a lot of sense.

Lion's from the land of Oz; note his heart medallion. Henry Flemming is from The Red Badge of Courage.

Every named character, so far, is a public domain character, though I don't know where The Fox is from.

The usage of the trope is implied, by the video, to be negative and irredeemable. I believe you're aware that tropes aren't bad. To say that usage of a negatively associated trope is always bad is ignorant of how any media works.

Conceptually, kid shows have semi-perfect worlds, especially in Townsville; see the Cityville episode to see how much of a charature everything is. There is supposed to not be any over apparent real world sexism in the world for multiple reasons: kids shows showcase problems one at a time, the city of Townsville is a

Double post*

The way the series cherry picks is like quoting a statement such as "It's exhausting, but rewarding," but only quoting the "It's exhausting" part. The entire statement takes on an entirely different meaning.

4 GC controllers, 4 Wii Controllers, the Gamepad, and 3DS controllers. Sounds easy enough.

The roll in video games is a "jump roll". The fast speed that is being portrayed presumably comes from when you are in mid-air and the roll is presumably using the natural motion to quickly stand up.

Now playing

It is a Mario Game.

I want Super Mario Panic, a sequel to Super Mario Bros 2.

Pastel as fuck and I love it.

The reason this probably happens is that the character most likely has a flag to grow by "times X" amount on object creation or on "object reveal". However, the function to run flags on "object creation" is happening multiple times, specifically when the character escapes the egg.

Well, that's disappointing that there aren't any new hub worlds for the game.

I love that this game is an era piece, compared to MGS V. Snake Eater was definitely an era piece and Peace Walker fluctuated. It would have helped if the Mountain Dew and the Doritios actually used their old packaging. This, however, goes all out with the period appropriate product placement, environments, and