Graphics programmers and texture artist agree.
Graphics programmers and texture artist agree.
I love that Miis are the new Fighting Team. Multi-man mii:
I'm just sitting here, waiting for Shadow Complex 2.
Coming from Far Cry 2 to Far Cry 3, it almost felt implied Brody was becoming a savage jerk by the middle of the game, and not just in one ending. Maybe because he's unlikable?
Wasn't Far Cry 3 a deconstruction of the White Savior in that he isn't a savior but being progressively savage as he goes on? Like a Heart of Darkness or Lord of the Flies story.
Yeah, I was mainly referring to the games that don't have the game incentive, with the sole reason to paint a grim picture. GTA is an interesting, problematic beast. The key word in GTA's world is satire; yet they still fully exploit the things they are making fun of, like being crummy people.
The thing with Bayonetta is, while she does employ a lot of sexuality, she isn't a sex object; not something that someone can own. She is obviously strong, displays extreme independence, is portrayed stronger and more in command than her peers. Sexism is about putting one gender lower than the other; Bayonetta…
"The player cannot help but treat these female bodies as things to be acted upon," Sarkeesian says at one point in the video, "because they were designed, constructed, and placed in the environment for that singular purpose."
Actually, E3 has mobile gaming there, due to all gaming being a part of the ESA. It more investors and exhibitors checking it out, rather than the press. Last time I was there, they were the largest user of Booth Babe; made me feel uncomfortable.
This stat always annoys me when people point out this stat when it comes to non-casual games; the stat on the 42% percent of female gamers is representative of all gaming markets and isn't representative of a solely non-casual market.
Um, can you really do this in RL, with untrained Elephants?
I hear the biggest problem with the translation was that they added tone to her voice. In the Japanese version, she would talk in a cold and calm manner which is synonymous with being in control and being powerful, at least in Japan. There is no pure translation in the US.
You can't tell Ken Lobb what to do!
Can't play Tearaway, no buy
It's pretty cool as, they are straying away from the expected typical bipedal humans. Honestly; before they had limitations with digitized actors and claymation, but now its all open; especially that we are post reboot.
First of all, rude; Ajay is a hindi name, Ghale is a name that prevalent in Nepal and also India.
His name is Ajay Ghale.
It does bug me a little that none of the co-op players were female; in a revolution that included all people. Would the author care if it was an angry female?