Skip to 7m and 31s because the youtube link is being dumb.
Skip to 7m and 31s because the youtube link is being dumb.
For those not in the know, back in the original Pokemon games there is an infamous glitched Pokemon that players can encounter and catch, provided they do the right things. The glitch looks like a backwards L shape, and despite not being an 'actual' Pokemon, trainers could actually use it—it has a type, stats, and…
My favorite song. I also like Night Sky:
I thought nobody liked Bradford. He's too naive
Tune: Mind Playing Tricks On Me
You should go to one of his concerts. It's so bumpin' (for a lack of a better word), and it's a great place to meet business casual singles...
Well, actually, I have to say I could never have a "thousand times feeling" with a Bungie game because they make what I consider a "sandbox shooter". I feel that Bungie is a master at the scenario and player playstyle and 343 did pretty well realizing when making Halo 4 and replicated Bungie's style accordingly. I…
Well, actually, I have to say I could never have a "thousand times feeling" with a Bungie game because they make what I consider a "sandbox shooter". I feel that Bungie is a master at the scenario and player playstyle and 343 did pretty well realizing when making Halo 4 and replicated Bungie's style accordingly. I…
I was always interested in it after seeing it during a trip to Japan Town. I was thinking of taking a few friends to do it. It seems that its more expensive than 10 dollars but I guess its more elaborate than the ones described here.
Actually, I think something more in line of a TV transfer is more in line. The Vita TV is a media center, so transferring an image to another TV could be a feature.
Time constraints plus adding in the feature where it makes sense. Devs can't just add a mechanic and be done with it (though Red Dead may have done that with their weapon DLCs). Devs have to build parts of their game around the feature for things like proper flow and natural tutorial (text only does not make a…
A prototype for a wingsuit, possibly?
Nintendo has been always been download day 1 since 2 years ago and I love it.
Now that's just not true.
I care more about him getting the game before me.
Wow, you're being rude. Insulting people you know one thing about. And truthfully, that doesn't make them terrible. By age 11, you're in middle school, you have a understanding of bad language and media violence. Kids aren't stupid, just more impulsive and rarely to a terrible degree; which comes about from actual bad…
Yeah, I played GTA when I was 11 and I turned out to be a feminist, sober til 21, non-drug using person. My parents may have not been as attentive as most parents in what I did on my spare time but they cared about things that did matter such as education and being safe. Having your parents buy the game for you…
Infiinty Blade is fine but Chair should really make another Shadow Complex.