I would say the third guy would be Dante, seeing that it DMC originally was going to be a RE game.
I would say the third guy would be Dante, seeing that it DMC originally was going to be a RE game.
Digipen Student Here. School has been canceled for the past 3 days. I would post some photos but unfortunately, I can't find my wire.
I liked Battlefield was more like a comic book war. And I preferred the tone and style of Bad Company 1 to Bad Company 2. We don't need this grit! Hopefully Battlefield 3 will be locked in as the M rated gritty war game, so Bad Company 3 can be freed to be as silly as it wants to be.
I always put myself on the second hardest difficulty at the start. When playing a game, it is only 100% fresh once, so why ruin it without any challenge? Additionally, I do love how methodical (lack of a better word) the hardest difficulties are but they can prevent extreme cleverness so I always go for second best.
One of the most satisfying things of a motion control game is finisher. No More Heroes' motion controls were solely for finisher style moves. In a particularly tough fight in MK, I would find myself mimicking the actions of the fighter after getting a successful X-Ray, and it feels so good.
So the Design Changes that they were saying in their little E3 gameplay footage trailer was saying "Fuck! We can't do this, we're sorry!"
Let me start off by saying that I preferred Battlefield when it was a comic book style war than a gritty war. Also I hated the direction that Battlefield: BC2's tone took while I loved BC1 tone. I agree completely when the blame for such shifts in tones comes from Call of Duty's competition. I feel that the most…
I'm having trouble comprehending what the pitch would have been because it sounds like it was made by businessmen.
You mean the United States?
I'm not sure I can have the same mentality. I did play Shadow Complex.
The game going offline is a effective protest, but not an E3 disappearance. An effective protest would be by someone more prolific. Don't get me wrong, the heritage of this game and its following and its polish are all wonderful to get the game noticed but they won't get much of an effect as much as a released game…
Heh, I remember the the gameplay footage video for XCom, and recalling that I said, "This is Mass Effect."
Amata in Fallout.
This vs. Xenonauts. I wonder how people view the two titles side-by-side.
Dark Void Zero was that, too, except for the "living on" part.
It would have been a first person shooter if it was made by Westerners.
Sharqi Peninsula was my favorite map in Battlefield 2, then Strike, then Wake, and then a bunch of the Chinese maps. I loved Sharqi Peninsula because of the invasion-style gameplay of Conquest Assault in a large surrounded island. It gets pretty epic closing down the TV station as a squad as the final move.
I think Avatar is a perfect comparison to Call of Duty. A lot of people bought it and it has worth, but it isn't worthy of any awards... only difference is Call of Duty really doesn't do anything special beside persistence which is debate that it is solely made to trigger endorphin release. Avatar is a scenery porn…
You voiced everything I was afraid of admitting.