They should have placed in a Hammerhead tank too.
They should have placed in a Hammerhead tank too.
Wow. Link doesn't jump.
So, it's HvZ at my school right now. I was looking this gun up and thought to myself that this gun looks like the Revenant. I search for the gun on the interwebs, saw a black and red one painted. Comments said it looked like it was something from Mass Effect. And now this...
Someone want my access code?
I always knew the Japanese did this in World War 2.
Beat me to the punch.
So does this work for all your Shepards? I don't want a squad to fuck up one of my universes.
I think the modern examples of multiplayer in a single player game prove this concept wrong. Though I would rather play Reach or TF2 on my free time, Bioshock 2 and Dead Space 2's multiplayer weren't bad at all and, in fact, embraced its concepts really well while adapting them to the multiplayer envrioment.…
There was a Special Forces map where the MEC would attack a giant aircraft carrier. It was kind of disappointing that they removed your grapping hooks when you were on this map, and there was trouble with getting on the damn thing without getting killed. It usually required the use of those floating APCs.
I agree. I agree a thousand times over. If there has been anything I have complained more than anything on this site, it is Bad Company 2 threw away all the good elements that it created for the sub-series, and should be ashamed in itself. Yeah sure, the game is good, but it could have been better. A thousand times…
Battlefield: Bad Company 1. Good Singplayer that embraced what the series is all about; big environments and class gameplay that let you do things your way, all wrapped up in destructible environments .
Why does this single player exist?! The main Battlefield Series should:
From being in design school for 5 weeks now, I was hoping to see if I could spot any, but then I realize most of these are terms dealing in a corporate environment.
They should get Wu Tang for Skulls of the Shogun.
I understand the art style and the concept art is alot like the old game without the future sci-fi theme, but couldn't they make the in-game art assets and sprites better? The Mission Successful screen and that interceptor art look nice but everything else looks shoddy and weak. The repetitious textures are worse.…
Live from New York, it's Mac!
Fun Fact, SSX3 had an NBA Street character in it, who had a special move where he would bounce his ball against his spinning board.
Well, actually, I would say that is definitely good enough.
Bad Company 2 wasn't rated on the bad unbalanced games that make up 1/4 of certain people's playtime (non-clans) nor post-release exploits (Hill 137 grenade spam), and its not at all based on the thrown together mimicry single-player that was never a real focus in the first place (though, based on the first game, it…
Unreal Championship 3, anyone?