cow drag

Hydrogen sourcing either isn’t carbon neutral (see: methane), and if it comes from alternative energy and electolysis, the thermodynamic losses compared to direct transmission and storage in a battery is grossly inferior.

Also, fuel cells apparently can’t last past 100k miles. 

This site routinely pushes hydrogen, despite being “educated” dozens of times over about the fundamental supply problems.

They are clearly getting paid to be shills. 

Aaaaand of course no mention of the sourcing problems (hint: NOT carbon neutral), storage, transportation, and fuel cell lifetime issues.

So where would we be? Still up shit creek. 

Another thought experiment: where would be be if we started serious battery research in the 40s and 50s rather than ICEs? Oh right, not up

IIRC the Nurb times were being disputed by Porsche stans because the cars were essentially the same weight. Is that not true?

Reader: I Hate your lack of journalistic ethics.

Next time any of you morons try to pose behind the journalistic ethics shield and say you don’t have fundamental biases against Tesla, please reread that headline and what it was about.

Hint: it’s not the “ethics in business” class. 

And higher education, and healthcare, and... everything. 

Well, if all your compensation is in stock options, then stock manipulation is the path to getting paid. 

Someone got directed to use offshore resources for QA.

Shitty QA is acceptable for a dumb VB application, not for a passenger aircraft. 

the 737Max was the project that basically would make or break Boeing, which has been losing badly to airbus for a decade now.

If he didn’t have direct influence over that, he wasn’t doing his job. 

Waaaaaaa, we need the government to stop meddling in MY ROADS.... (that they built).

There’s a half dozen other ways to attack this line of thinking, but this basically is why libertarians are completely retarded. Utterly clueless about their impact on the world, bitching about regulation until they are the ones that

“in order to protect air quality”

.... holy shit are you actually that far behind the times? Did your science awareness end in the 1970s?

Are you unfrozen caveman republican partisan from the mid 1900s?

Because duh, we are a single country renowned in our logistical prowess rather than 50 balkanized states with...

Oh right, you’re correct.

Anyway, the reason is the oil company, and probably the acceptable efficiency of the superhighway system.

As stated above, self-driving cars will probably increase overnight and late

The hyperloop is cool, but transportation on the scale mentioned here in midwest america will be utterly transformed by self-driving cars. Highway selfdriving is the lowest hanging fruit.

By the time even the political junk on the politician’s desire to get passenger cars priority is resolved people will be slumping

Well, at least the easily hackable voting machine made by an insider federal contractor backed by monied political interests counted it.

That would imply you don’t have a penis. No go.

With e-scooters, why waste that much space on that behemoth?

tl; dr:

Idiot buys EV, doesn’t pay attention to how to use it or plan trips. Idiot blames car and not himself. Idiot posts on intarwub.

Dude, no one is going to think that a ‘V10normous’ is going to buy things with regards to anything but their self-interested bottom line.

Your error in reasoning is that everyone else is as self-interested as you.

Incentives, Incentives, Incentives. A 10 year 10,000$ tax credit with the credit dropping 1000/year (none of that stupid caps/manufacturer either) should be politically doable if the next election doesn’t continue the insanity.

Or a big fat carbon tax. Won’t hold my breath on that politically.