cow drag

This is phenomenal trolling of the Skins.

Put “bulletin board” material about the bosses of the players.

Which the bosses will put up.

But (I’m guessing) the players all hate ownership.

It’ll be interesting to see if Washington totally sleepwalks this game.

If the G-League is required for straight-from-highschool picks, it’ll get better. It definitely needs better promotion.

It’s jalopnik, where the economic details of car loans, average selling prices, and dozens of other car cost metrics are debated...

But when it comes to Teslas, they pretend this thing called “inflation” doesn’t exist.

SUVs literally raised the bar.

There’s no room for batteries.

IT’s bascially a Smart EV. With worse range, the old one from 2007 was over 100 klicks.

This is PATHETIC. It better retail for 5 grand.

... and no car company has ever had a recall? Oh wait, every model for every company every year has minor and major recalls.

The fact this is front page news on the Jalop and the usual trolls are at maximum scream is hilarious. This isn’t even malfunctioning airbag level of recall, or exploding gas tank, or failing

Should they have used spinning rust that is much more susceptible to vibrations and shock? Flash is a good choice for data storage. 

They didn’t batch the writes or stage them in memory. 

Well, kinda. High volume logging to an SSD cranks through the write cycles. They didn’t batch the writes, or even better if the logs are just going to the cloud, stage them in RAM. 

You can’t argue rationally with irrational hatred.

Oh, flash storage weardown is THE WHOLE CAR NEEDS REPLACEMENT.

Give me a fucking break, like other car companies don’t have dogshit problems with their stuff.

I think he’s chomping at the bit to try it with another quarterback.

He was going to trade Brady before the owner kibashed it.

Why isn’t Dyson simply partnering with a company that’s behind in EV like FCA or Peugeot or someone else? Why scrap everything if you are at the prototype phase?

That’s a pretty sweet conspiracy theory.

Thursdays/Sundays are doable with google.

Friday and Saturday: only lifers can do those. You basically speak a different language.

16 games of almost life-or-death conflict and a somehow culturally valid excuse to ignore/get sanctuary from your wife and kid(s) on a Sunday...

Having a kid has made my watching of the NFL much more common.

I saw a lot of calls against bad teams, such as phantom roughing the passer call on Russell Wilson this weekend.

It’s like the NFL became the NBA for star-calls, which was one of the main deterrents in me watching the NBA for a long time. I get that some star calls happen in the NFL for QBs, but the fact they were rare

The list of rich white men that should be in the line of fire on China and should be expected to take losses is probably thousands before you get to LeBron.

Yes he’s being calculating in his comments, but he’s one of the few rich black men in america, and expecting him to take a bath on this and every progressive

Yeah and every day we all buy ‘Made in China’. 

Could be battery weight too.

The Model S does need a value injection. I’m surprised Musk hasn’t hopped on the $4000 trim interior options and better seats/etc.

It’s all vaporware comparisons now. You can’t buy and drive a Taycan for another 8-12 months. And oh look! Tesla has major updates coming then.