
So, my question is, "was it fun to watch?" God how I'd hate to be stuck watching any movie with the people who write such reviews. Oh, and Shawnee Smith did a fine job as Julie Lawry.

Obama had class. He never put ketchup on the dogs he ate, which BTW were ALWAYS served rare.

LOL you actually give a sh!t about how someone eats their steak. Well, about how TRUMP eats his steak. Not about how anyone else eats theirs. Who's
the child again?

You clearly have NO idea why people support Trump. But here's a clue: the hatred is aimed at corruption, not people.

Higgins actually told Magnum something like "As an intelligence specialist, you know you have to keep the cover going even when you think no one's around."

"A boat can be carried on a ship" is the oldest definition I remember. Sailors do say "I'm headed back to the boat", but it's slang. Only subs are normally called boats.

Because they were women.

Not that I watch any of this tripe, but almost anything would be better than the pathetic way they propped poor Clark up in front of the cameras after his stroke.