
I felt the same way while watching the last season, but damn… that trailer made me hungry.

I enjoyed the school and “real world” sequences quite a bit. The Narnia shit wore off fast.

This episode left me hyperventilating.

Just rewatched this episode for maybe the fourth time. Guys, this is an A+ episode, criminally under-rated and timeless.

1. Collect underpants
2. ?
3. Profit

Agreed. I was laughing way too hard at this episode for a mere "B"

I really, really wanna see him wearing Shoco's arm. That character was way too good not to have more impact on the series.


God I loved this movie.

right? right???

good thing they’re not spending much then

dude this episode rules. wtf

I was reading Dan Simmon’s “Hyperion” just the night before, and reeling from the description of the Tree of Thorns. I’d love to know if whomever came up with the “Morty Dome” was thinking of that.

Didn’t he announce that he was near his deathbed a couple years ago?

Agreed. That really came through in his Eschaton books, which were very underrated.

I grew up in the Mormon church. Obviously it's complete crap, but I honestly don't understand why people think it's any crazier than, say, Catholicism.

"it helps that Summer did not, in fact, get raped, because that would not be the first step on the road to Laughsville" yeah my brother-in-law refuses to watch this show because he was put-off by the jellybean rape scene :\

Gateway is one of my favorites.

1995! not 1985! NOT QUITE THAT ANCIENT