Sgt. Thunderfist, MD

It's kind of interesting - the original study mentions that women in monogamous relationships tend to have diminished sex drives, therefore two women in a monogamous relationship…

Michael: "Mmm. A sort of an oaky afterbirth." This one always gets me.

No, 'skaal' is when you injure someone with hot liquid or steam. You're thinking of 'scold'.

Hail Eris!

Or switches.

Heck, they wouldn't have to use jars. Just big plastic bags. You know, like how they package milkshakes.

When I worked at McDonalds, even the tomatoes came in by truck. I have no idea how they found so many uniformly-shaped tomatoes. But the creepiest thing was the pickles though. I mean I always knew the little shaved onions on some of their burgers were reconstituted, but the pickles were dried too. Big bags of

Only the McDLT can save them now…

We had a different variation…

I have no idea if this is the case anymore, but when I worked at McDonald's in the early 90's, the Filet-o-Fish used the same bun as the 'regs' (the normal hamburger, cheeseburger, etc.) but it was steamed instead of fed into a toaster.

I saw it with a nephew who is somewhere on the autism spectrum. He LOVED it. I thought it was pretty great, too. Don't get me wrong, it moved along pretty slowly, but it had heart and was downright beautiful.

Also, Cherry 2000.

Well…I know what I'm playing this weekend.

Gods before Zods! It was right there, man!!!

It's a pain in the ass. You have to click the little menu icon on the upper left, then head for "Preacher" and then it should play. I didn't have to sign in though.

Yep. Last summer I was making fun of two shows - this and Lucifer. Both are now appointment television for me.

It probably wouldn't have taken much convincing. She did try to murder Mora as her introduction on the show. Sands could've painted himself as another victim of Mora, being controlled by the immunity shot and also needing to break free.

You guessed it…Frank Stallone.

I think Brooklyn 99 did a pretty good job with it, personally.

One that I can recall - Blaine had two guys working for him in S1 that tried to start a competing business. They both died at Meat Cute. One of them was black, I think.