Sgt. Thunderfist, MD

Misses Thunderfist has anxiety issues and uses marijuana to keep it under control. Based on my wife's reaction, I'd say go for it. The vapor pen things are great if you need to be discrete, but the quality of the oil can vary pretty greatly between the brands (at least here in Colorado, anyway). If she doesn't like

Of course, the ThunderFists have more in common with the family from Outsiders, only with a more Christian bent. I, unfortunately, still have a lot in common with Gary, which is probably why I got the hell out of there as soon as I could.

Definitely regional. In my part of the Midwest, we grew up calling the noon meal dinner (especially on Sundays after church!), and the evening meal was supper.

Trump polling daughter. :) I know it's an accident, but somehow I think Trevor Noah would approve…

Easy. Just make a Jim Halpert face and call it good.

I dunno…there was the whole swinger thing that came up a while back, plus the photo that the Monarch found at the Venture Compound.

It's the Venture Bros., and if fan theories are to be believed, The Monarch is a Venture Brother. He didn't get his red hair from the Blue Morpho, that's for sure…

I gotta admit, I still watch it every week. In spite of Rick, who just pisses me off most of the time. After enough bad decisions, you'd think the group would say "Look, you kill the zombies. Maggie (or Michonne or even Carol) is making the decisions from here on out." But no, for some reason they just keep

Yep. Glenn survived. I think we found out 4 episodes later? Maybe it was just 3.

I particularly like how the dubious brownface is dubious…

The Walking Dead. It was a whole thing involving zombies and a fall of a dumpster and then several weeks of focusing on other characters.

Didn't she essentially lose her city council seat defending the voter's right to vote when Eagleton and Pawnee merged, knowing full well that it would probably cost her her city council seat? There is a fine line between frustration and contempt, but I think the show did a pretty good job of walking that line.

I always make my players act it out, then give a bonus or penalty based on the line they're selling me. If you used Charisma as a dump stat, you best not be trying to bluff at my table.


Have a link? I'm curious now.

It was urine. The little girl had to go to the bathroom.

We call that the "Schwifty"

Counterpoint: Unbreakable was a movie that telegraphed its twist, arguably the only interesting thing about the movie, and Shyamalan cannot direct a fight scene to save his life.

A whole hole!

Check out the teaser trailers. Definitely some comedy elements there. Dark, but present.