Sgt. Thunderfist, MD

Nice try, Tim Kring!

Banksy only works for bitcoin.

Yeah. This is terrible.

I shall fetch a rug!

Guys. Afghanistinani.

Yes. Hannibal had all of the momentum of a 0.4 in the 18-49 demographic. Don't get me wrong - the show was awesome, it just never really found an audience.

Needs more crossfit.

I'd really like to get a ruling on that last sentence from Archmage of the Aether. This all sounds like house rules to me.

But she is still the representative from Raviga on the board of Pied Piper. She doesn't have her own seat - she votes for Raviga's seat. She is beholden to their interests as a shareholder because it is the seat granted to Raviga/Peter Gregory in season 1. When he passed away, Richard stipulated that she would vote

When Richard accerpted the money from Raviga, he stipulated that Monica would vote Raviga's shares. She's not voting her own shares on the board, she serves on the board as a representative of Raviga.

It must be Friday!

I'd just like to see how she fits it back in the sheath she is carrying in the other hand.

Yeah, this seems like an obviously perfect fit for a series set in a universe based on a comic book.

Shouldn't this be more of a "Great Job, Nick Offerman"?

I think another of her motivations might be just a desire to get her daughter away from these people. To her there probably isn't a lot of difference between HYDRA and SHIELD, largely because HYDRA would've been SHIELD when she was captured and tortured. How the hell can she let her daughter go back to that?

Ha! I thought it was odd, too. Made for a pretty good day though. We got up early and went out for breakfast, then hit the theater. We were still to the comic shop in time to pick up some good stuff on free comic book day!

The wife and I caught a 9 a.m. showing in 2D. The theater was surprisingly full, but we still had great seats, and weren't crowded in the least. I was suprised by the number of people who want popcorn and soda at 9 in the morning though.

:) She should work harder! There may be a Lotus Elan in her future!

Wasn't Detective Hotness was a genetically engineered human? Seems like they covered that in one of the episodes.

Drones. The answer is drones.