Sgt. Thunderfist, MD

Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

:) That's part of what made the interaction so strange. She had no idea who this guy was - he just walks up to her in line for the concession stand and starts chatting her up I had to explain who he was afterward.

I met him at a comic book convention in Des Moines, IA a few years ago (which was just as sad as it sounds). He flirted with my wife. It was…awkward.

I'm a little loathe to admit this, but I was a security guard for a while back in the day. A Maglite can save your ass in certain situations. Especially the big 4 cell ones.

You might be thinking of Gator Bait or one of the sequels.

Lost Vegas?

I went through this phase, too. I was in third grade.

Dammit! Finish reading the article before posting, Thunderfist! You look like a newb!

I mean, I didn’t invent the turtleneck, Lana, but I was the first to
recognize its potential as a tactical garment. The tactical turtleneck,
Lana. The…tactleneck!

The A.V. Club

I'm assuming they do, though a Bob drunk on wine wandering into the library to check his Ebay auctions is a pretty funny mental image. :)

Duplicate. Sorry everyone - still trying to figure out how Disqus and the AV Club play together.

They did look up Topsy online I think, for the science fair episode, but that's the only time I can remember seeing the kids at a computer.

I would also like to say avoid Fort Collins. Picture a conservative cesspool, full of unflavored ice milk.Yes, there is a college here, but it doesn't really help as much as you would think.

John Krasinski?

An all pro wrestler season of Dancing with the Starts would be amazing! Let's get some Rowdy Roddy Piper up in here!

You beat me to it!