He’s talking about bringing in 20,000 new jobs, not new jobs that all make $20,000 per year.
He’s talking about bringing in 20,000 new jobs, not new jobs that all make $20,000 per year.
Surely it’s 20K jobs, not jobs earning 20K each.
But this article makes no sense. What is it that you are making illegal? Nobody is requiring cities to do anything - they are making offers of their own accord. Is this what you would make illegal? For cities and states to administer their own local policy?
You understand that people - professionals or not - pay income, property, and other taxes that go to supporting the community, do you not? I’m not a math major or anything, but I strongly suspect that the tax revenue generated from those new professionals outweighs the tax revenue that would have been generated by…
Remarkably stupid blog post, you’re welcome.
This, much like the bonuses and wage increases American employees are getting because of the tax cut bill, does not fit Splinter’s socialist agenda. So they get extra defensive with stuff like this because they know it makes their cause look stupid.
This feels like invented outrage.
I ordered 9 things on amazon this weekend and i hope my city wins the amazon 2nd HQ. The biggest employer here pays no local property tax and was incentivized to build here. Then it brought 20k professional jobs to the area. This town has gone through a massive boom because of them and its a great city.
My (completely) subjective opinion is that we are around 6:45 AM.
It seems like the minutes to midnight is some sort of non-linear, non-objective scale. Like when you rate things 1-10, there’s a clear progression from 1 to 10, with 11 being the utmost. By moving up one minute, are we now twice a screwed? Is it geometrical and were 10x screwed? I don’t see anywhere that explains how…
This nor the linked article actually explain the logic (or specific criteria) of setting the clock’s time. If there is no formula, I have to assume it was a subjective decision.
this thread is becoming a honeypot for all the NOCOUNTRYORRAP manbabies to come out and pee their pants in front of a picture of Don Henley
Then this music video is definitely not for you then.
Me and someone on this site once wondered how to buy shorts against car values. This is a bubble. Don’t get me wrong.
Which would be relevant if they could accurately identify Nazis.
Add to that, somehow in these pigfuckers’ brains, being against fascism is a terrible, terrible thing.
don’t bother asking, you won’t get an intelligent response here
I understand that political bullshit has to invade basically every facet of Gawker’s rotting corpse, but can we at least keep most of it off of Jalopnik?
Does not belong on Jalopnik.