Cowboy behind the wheel

I believe they’ve removed the rain warning from the weather. Now its just Fog, Hail, Flood, and Ice on Road.

Fortunately OSU was able to win in spite of that.

Fair question, but since this is at an airport I would presume the risk of hitting a deer with a car is no greater than an airplane hitting deer, which you don’t hear about very often. I’d presume they have high fences too. Plus deer aren’t really interested in the insanely loud noise coming from that place.

See my later response to this thread. With yesterday’s announcement that the lady is evidently mentally ill, the connection regarding mass murders and the mentally ill now appears to be relevant. I stand corrected. It appears this lady may have chosen a different tool instead of a gun in this instance.

Well, I’ll admit to being wrong. With her attorney now saying she’s mentally ill it appears the mentally ill mass shooter reference is relevant. Evidently she just used a car instead of a gun.

You are classless, idiot garbage. As someone who was in Stillwater today and happened across the scene not long after the incident I can assure you I never heard anyone utter anything tying this to any sort of agenda. Even drunk driving (surprisingly).

And yet I want one badly.

So true. Aside from the ride height changes and the lack of braking upgrades to offset larger diameter tires there’s the issue of the safety of the lift kits themselves. Based on my experience, no lift using blocks under leaf springs is in any way safe without traction bars or similar means to keep the axle from

Another term for the outside portion of a meat is “Bark”. I don’t know if it’s a regional thing but my BBQ cookoff team uses that term regularly and it’s super tasty.

The 80 are often dropped under the assumption of two weeks vacation (that may be unpaid or may not be accounted for in salary calculation).

Yeah, you can easily survive one year on $14,500 but geez, that’s not what I would consider “retirement”. I’m planning to maintain my standard of living through my entire retirement.

You’re spot on. Most people don’t save anything because they make terrible financial decisions, don’t have any willpower, or any concept of delayed gratification. This is also why the average American household has several thousand dollars in credit card debt along with auto loans, etc. They’re spending their money

If you’re ever in SW Oklahoma around Altus AFB you can witness C-17s flying low and in formation like that. It’s one of the coolest things I’ve seen.

5.o L yet half the horsepower of my current 3.7L car. It’s awesome how far we’ve come.

My wife would be one of them. Despite persistent oil leakage, she loves her outback but wants more space. If Subaru made a 3-row she’d be first in line at the local dealership.

Who on earth doesn’t do pay-at-the-pump? My trips to the gas station are super quick and I never have to mingle with the riff-raff.

Brand name doesn’t factor into my selection process but it sure does in a lot of people’s. So many people only buy certain brands for a variety of reasons. Automotive fanboydom is about the strongest type ever seen. In the construction industry I know countless guys who only buy a certain brand of trucks, none of them

It’s not so much “crack pipe” as it is a questionable decision made after a few drinks. I’m going with “shot glass”.

Are there even any L-1011s still flying? It’s a sad world.

As an enthusiast that just flew on an MD80 last week I can say that I’m not at all heartbroken at their disappearance as a passenger. I will miss them out of nostalgia and as an airplane spotter.