Cowboy behind the wheel

I just ignore wavers. Never take driving direction from a random stranger. We already think everyone else on the road is a moran and a terrible driver, why would we follow their direction? Just earlier today I had a bizarre situation where I was in a center suicide lane waiting to turn onto a side street from a 5

How does the waver even get caught? If I waved someone out and they got hit by a 3rd car why wouldn't I just carry along on my merry way?

Lets just say they like to kiss my butt to keep the subcontracts coming.

I see that the photo shows a pic of a sportbike on a wide road. What about wide Harley's with their foot pegs flipped out on a narrow four-lane? There's no way they could conceivably fit but you know they'll try if it's legal. I am opposed to the notion for that reason.

I'd rather have some open source drawings of their cutouts. You could either cut them out yourself or, with the right connections, have a millwork shop CNC them for you. I know the millwork guys I work with a lot would cut out something like that for me for free.

I generally refrain from classifying cars as either for chicks or guys, but that car is most definitely a chick car.

They have to come down hard on them regardless of their true feelings because people (other news outlets) look to Jalopnik as a touchstone of the automotive community. They have to support our image for the sake of the survival of the auto enthusiast community. Support the party line, so to speak.

I've been to that drag strip and was really confused when I was watching that clip until I realized they were running the track backwards. Interesting.

You missed one of the best "hacks": Park your car in your garage instead of keeping a bunch of worthless junk in there.

The problem with the curved mirrors is that dumb people don't realize that it makes cars behind you appear farther away than they really are and they proceed to change lanes into the adjacent car. Refer to the boulder in the photo you posted. Hence the warning on the passenger mirrors. Remember, people are dumb.

There's a good reason why it sounds so eerie and spooky. Scaring the shit out of you helps ensure you're going to take proper cover. You want it to make people's blood curdle such that they're well motivated.

I take back any times I've complained about re-tagging my Jeep here in OK. When it comes to cars, tags, and titles we're super blessed. Independent, and thus usually easier-going, tag agencies. No "registration" document. No smog checks. No vehicle inspections. No trailer tags. If it's a new vehicle to the

Daewoo makes all sorts of industrial stuff. My dad has a Daewoo CNC lathe in his shop.

That and the subtle pan of the Mustang emblem, the non-M3 M3 and the Corvette.

This! A global standard sounds great and would allow for easier importation into the US but then all cars would look awful thanks to their stupid pedestrian impact regs.

Front plates are stupid. Several states agree, as they don't require them. Plus they ruin the look of a car. Thankfully all of my cars are front-plate-free so you can properly appreciate their frontends the way God intended.

I've been wondering this as well. In my mind, the inside lane is the one closest to oncoming traffic. It makes no sense to call the lane at the edge "inside" when it's on the outside of a group of cars/lanes. Inside lane to me would be the left (in the US; Right in the UK) same as #1 lane.

Man, there are so many biz jets getting made and sold these days. I must be in the wrong business because I rarely get to fly on planes like this.

The timing of your articles is uncanny. Just this morning I was thinking to myself about how pleasant my drive to work was. It was smooth and relaxing despite the presence of ice on the road. No accidents, no slowdowns, people used their turn signals. Everyone acted civilized and drove responsibly. It flies in