
The better question is why the hell do you think their skin color and/or religion (which you are needlessly conflating) are salient?

Thank you. I was starting to let them get to me. I really don't want to "hurt the movement" or all that. I am trying to be a good ally.

I'm glad you're so interested in rational discussion.

She said, "I certainly am an ally. And despite being a general supporter, I've never been told before..." That is implying that someone SHOULD have told her before. Rather than acknowledging that she had failed to educate herself on something that was widely and easily accessible to her.

I'm not asking them to instinctively know. There are many resources available other than asking the marginalized group to take the time to educate you. Use them. ESPECIALLY if you call yourself an ally.

"Middle America wouldn't know where to start"

It's funny that you have moved on to another page of of derailing 101 - tone policing. It's not really tone policing because I'm not actually trans, but you are assuming that I am and tone policing me.

Yeah, instead of asking questions of the marginalized group they should go out and read the information themselves. It's out there all over the place. It isn't hard.

Okay, so why didn't you say that to begin with? Now that you've told me what you actually think (instead of just insulting me), I will try to explain myself better.

I don't really understand what your personal problem is with me.

Vicious? That's a bit much.

Yeah, and then when you got the answer implied that it was the trans community's fault that you didn't know that before. That's the problem.

If you were an ally, you wouldn't have to sit around waiting to "be told" what is and isn't generally considered polite. You would seek the answer yourself, because you cared about the emotions of the people involved.

All the campus dairy farm events I have ever seen have been presented by actual family farmers. I have done some myself. No big huge corporation is going to waste their time on something like that.

That any IUD carried a small risk of permanent infertility, and since I'd never had children before, I couldn't go on it. IUDs were pretty new at the time, so I didn't know much about them, not enough to push back on a doctor at least.

Women don't have access because they can't afford it, have medical complications with it, or have a million roadblocks put in their way by dumbass laws. The fact that there are many kinds of BC available to women doesn't mean women can get to them.

I also wanted an IUD and my doctor wouldn't let me have one.

You are assuming a zero-sum game, which this is not. There's no reason that we can't teach both men and women they are both responsible for the outcomes of sex.

How are men not also part of the solution? They can just as easily decide not have unprotected sex or not to have any sex at all.

Hee, I don't think science is his strong suit.