Sick Lee

“You can try movin on all you want. He’s gonna find yah. Back in 83', Olivia and I packed up Peyton and Coop, in the middle of the night, and hightailed it up to Minneapolis. 9 days later, we are awoken by a horrible shriek downstairs. I kid you not, we find Eli stuck, one arm and one leg through the doggie door,

That’s nothing. During pregame warmups, Newton was heard telling his teammates, “Time to fire up the Hindenburg!”

Reporter: Can you tell us how it feels to both start and finish with yourself?

Parkey: Feels? I guess a little lonely sometimes, but that is a kicker for you. These guys have groupies lined up around the block and can get into the hot clubs for free, but kickers... unless we are in a relationship we’re used to taking

Make up your damn minds people. I can only cancel/uncancel this Papa John’s order so many times.

Your 10 year old is not a millennial. We’re like fucking 30 now dude.

It’s interesting that that’s what you chose to use for an example of why it’s bad for Incognito to be the voice of reason.

We’re not addressing the other Richie Incognito scandal that makes it more ironic he’s the voice of reason? Got it.

Whoever selected the header image for this story should be very proud of themselves.

You’re welcome! I refused to put out a “cute” pic if I could help it. Thankfully a mugshot came through!

Breanna, thank you for putting this story out with Hepatitis B(ecky)‘s mugshot front and center. I’ve seen too many articles using the nasty bitch’s “cute” instapics and I’ve been calling out the authors. Fuck that noise.

Morrow didn’t let the boos linger long enough in Gurriel’s third AB, and gave up a single. Looking forward to the advanced analytics on this.

You don’t get credit for not making a horrible trade when you TRY to make a horrible trade and fail.

You just had to clear this up right? Do you feel better now?



Holding aside the grim possibility that Gar Forman and John Paxson grabbed up the options on these two bad players as face-saving measures, the Bulls are in no rush to make moves to improve their immediate outlook.