
This is gonna be good.

You had me at "...Ian....shut the fuck up."

YUUUUUPPPP. The whole “lesser of two evils” BS holds a lot less weight when your kid is in a cage, or your house is on fire because of climate change, or your father died from COVID (as mine did in April). And if someone doesn’t like it, I don’t really give a shit - just because you’re privileged enough to whine about

Look...Ian...I mean this in the nicest way possible, and I say this as a fellow progressive who has tried to get people to vote for Bernie twice in a row, and this isn’t directed at you specifically but at the group you are currently representing with this article...but please, shut the fuck up.

Ian really sounds like a Kremlin agent in this article.

You know, I would be a lot more on board with Biden skepticism if it was powered by actual concerns and not baldfaced lies like this:

What surprised me even more about Biden is that he apparently seems to genuinely want to go after Trump with charges and investigations post-election. I honestly thought he would go the whole “we need to heal” route and just pre-emptively pardon him to just make him go away... but it seems as thought that may not

Yep, I haven’t tasted this much salt since getting a mouthful of Galveston saltwater from when I was a kid *puke*

Yeah.. I understand this isn’t as progressive as many on the left would prefer, but to say it’s “very little substance” is just a gross misuse of that phrase — it’s incredibly substantial, with concrete policy goals and figures.

Much like Biden’s presidential platform, there’s very little substance here”

Ngl I like the writing in the RE games and CG films because they are absolutely batshit insane. It’s camp, cliche, and over top and it knows it is, I can respect that.

The CGI movies are fun, and I’ll hear no nonsense to the contrary. 

I think you mean in a good way.

I mean if you have the rights to the best movie theme, you might as well use it.

Other than the vaguely “Ready Player One” vibe of the fake stadium, this seemed EXACTLY like the kind of promos you’d see being shown on movie screens while waiting for the main feature to start.

Damn, now I wanna watch some Richard Donner Superman.

Now playing

No, I agree. Hans’ theme is great. Takes a little while to build up, but once it gets there, it’s powerful. I actually really like this mash-up:

Listen, if you’re a consumer of geek media, you simply can’t be universally cynical about marketing hype- it’s half the fun. Frequently tiring and overbearing, yes, but genuinely memorable when done well & with a semblance of heart.

It’s a basic trailer for an upcoming event that uses a highly recognizable theme in it. I don’t see what’s “weird as hell” about it.