
I can’t recommend the X-Wing Miniatures game enough. Just be ready to curb your spending, because it can get VERY addicting.

Remembering that he never finishes that sentence made me giggle uncontrollably all over again.

Since all you seem to be getting is “flippancy” and “prequel fatigue” I’ll vouch for you. The Kenobi book was a fantastic story all on its own. Not a prequel, not a sequel, just a beloved character at a largely unexplored part of his life. Everyone who wants to (correctly) push Star Wars in new directions should keep

There’s also the Scream TV show! I thought the first season was enjoyable in a so bad it’s good sort of way, but the second season was just bad in a so bad it’s bad sort of way.

Not to nitpick, but you forget about my new favorite character, hands down.

Couldn’t agree more. Bobby and Shelley had me close to tears a few weeks ago, but this one hurt. Loving The Return, but it’s a painful watch sometimes to see characters that we all hoped would be happy end up either in the same place or even worse off. True to life I guess.

Man, how can we get the ball rolling on that Publix game?

I like this theory.

Man I hope so.