Chip Overclock®

I have a 2ooo BMW R1100RT motorcycle that I bought used when it was just a few years old. I didn’t appreciate that at the time it was the same model and color used by the motorcycle cops in a municipality near my home. I had similar experiences with cars in front of me. Not so much these days; that city still uses

She knows better. I mentioned in another comment that she remarked that if all you see is something like “cardiac arrest”, alarm bells should be going off. (I was hoping you would weigh in on this. Thanks!)

So you have to cause the wave function to collapse and the body to decohere. Makes sense to me.

I like this distinction. If your heart is still beating but you’re brain dead, are you dead or alive? By your definition, you’d be dead, which sounds correct to me.

Yeah, but according to this medical doctor I married thirty-six years ago - and who has filled out her share of death certificates - when you see cause of death listed as “cardiac arrest” with no additional reasons, alarm bells should start going off in your head.

(Having said that, I am now I’m wondering if when you’re on a heart bypass machine you’re technically alive or dead.)

100% of deaths are the result of cardiac arrest. That’s what “dead” means: your heart stopped beating. The devil is in the root cause analysis.

I don’t suppose there’s any chance at all they’ll use “(Don’t Fear) The Reaper” by Blue Oyster Cult as the theme song?

I’m not a large car fan - my daily driver is a Subaru WRX, and for years I drove a tiny Honda CRX Si - but like krhodes1 I’ve had a 300 as a rental several times and I really enjoyed driving it. Once the Spousal Unit and I were driving a black one around on a trip out of town and I told her I felt like I was driving a

Three motorcycles, the *newest* of which is coming up on twenty years of age. In my defense, they all three currently run and are rideable. The oldest could use a little carb tuning.

On a trip to Dublin Ireland last year, our hotel had a free shuttle bus from the airport. But if the hotel had not had a video on YouTube explaining in detail where the bus stop was - complete with the presenter walking through the airport from baggage claim to the stop - I don’t think we would have ever found it. Now

I expect a co-authored tell-all book is in the works.

I was surprised some years ago to find myself reading U.S. State Department International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) as a software developer of a commercial product for business aviation. That experience - that my modest effort at making a living might be affected by arms regulations - stuck with me.

I’m an embedded software developer by profession. Although some of my work has been on microcontrollers (and I’ve done a ton of personal stuff with the microcontroller-based Arduino), most of my paying gigs in the past decade have been Linux-based. I’ve found the Raspberry Pi to be pretty ideal for embedded

I’m an embedded software developer by profession. Although some of my work has been on microcontrollers (and I’ve

Why is why I own two 12ga pump shotguns and keep a box of Federal Hydrashok shotgun shells around.

In the spirit of full disclosure: for years I’ve owned a Desert Eagle in caliber .44 Magnum. It’s fun to own, and to show off, but that’s about it. If I had to carry a large sidearm while hiking - not a crazy idea here in Colorado where mountain lions have been found in suburban school yards - I’d choose my HK45.

Man, movies and television shows just love that massive Magnum Research “Desert Eagle” handgun, don’t they? In real-life it’s ginormous and heavy, and I can’t quite envision Mrs. Peel carrying one.


During these times of plague, the Spousal Unit and I recently watched THE GOOD PLACE, closely followed, coincidentally, by RUSSIAN DOLL. It struck me

(I just discovered Susanna Clarke has a new novel coming out in September, BTW.)