Chip Overclock®

Denver resident here. Was in our airport yesterday. What they said. As long as you’re sticking to the concourses - there are three, A, B, and C, and you can move between them on the train without leaving the secured area or going to the terminal building where services like ticketing and baggage claim are located -

I agree. My spousal unit drove a Subaru Outback station wagon for eighteen years. When she finally replaced it with a (then) new 2016 version of the same model, I thought it was a lot more like a crossover - Taller, longer, wider, etc. than her old car. It’s still a great car... but it’s no station wagon.

The Lovecraftesque stories by Caitlin R. Kiernan in her “Black Helicopters” and related works fall into this category too, I think. I liked them quite a bit. (But then, I liked Vandermeer’s “Southern Reach” trilogy, too.)

This reminds me of how much I miss C&D during its David E. Davis years.

Yeah, you’re not wrong. Which is why I only go on Saturday mornings, and only then in the winter when it’s too cold and snowy to do something useful.

I’m sticking with Panera Bread’s Egg and Cheese on Brioche. With a package of potato chips. Don’t judge me.

I think insurance covers cattle lost to mysterious mutilation but not to natural causes.

It looks like from the illustrations on the web site that the two props on the propulsion pods (whatever they are really called) face *forward*. Is this a thing now? Or maybe in this class or size of vessel?

That’s my point. I *expect* people to use the machine I just got off of. But I *don’t* expect them to sit on it between their own sets catching up on Facebook.

Yeah, I bring a towel too. But I can easily see why there might be a difference of opinion.

That’s a pet peeve of mine: guys (it’s almost *always* a guy) sitting on a piece of equipment in between sets futzing around with their phone. (I leave my phone in the car.) I tend to do old school super sets, so I’m up off the machine to another machine to work an opposing muscle group, than back on the first machine

Many decades ago my wife was working as a counselor at a Girl Scout summer camp in northern Ohio. One evening the counselors were sitting around the camp fire when one of them, from southern Ohio, remarked “Boy, I could really use a 3-way right now.”

Just this AM I read this article from The Atlantic on people getting stranded when they took their Zipcars into an area of zero bars.

It’s true. But I decided some time ago - while pondering my affection for the works of H. P. Lovecraft - that if you can only love those who are perfect, ultimately you will love no one.

That was my immediate thought as well.

That was my immediate thought as well.

I need to stop using the world “remarkably” so much, because it’s redundant: I’m remarking on it so clearly it can be remarked upon. Whether *you* think it is worthy of making a remark about is up to you.

I wanna rub that belly despite the fact I just know she’s gonna bite and claw the crap outta my hand.

Now playing

I can’t tell you how many times Mrs. Overclock and I invoke this routine: “Sir, I know what a <FILL IN THE BLANK> is.” “I don’t think you do.”