
Man, this new show is senselessly grimdark and plays out like a fanfiction written by a 13-year-old girl. A little less "between the pages" as Beckett suggested, and a little more "missing the point".

Hey now, Ashton Kutcher's acting was pretty good, I thought. In fact, it was the only good thing about this train wreck of a movie.

I don't think it's gonna be more, just different. A lot of season 4's narration was based on the season's bizarre structure, and doesn't make sense if you play it chronologically, so it needs rewritten and rerecorded for a more traditional cut.

This is exactly why I trudged through the entirety of the Endless Eight when I was watching The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. Nothing helps a viewer relate to a character like forcing them to endure something together.