
Well as long as they took to decide on Aldon Smith and Josh Gordon, you figured they would take a minute to look into this one....unless of course they saw the video and were hoping a planned 2-game suspension, a preplanned apology, and releasing the video opening Sunday would work.

virginia has a dead man on their flag...I see it as a fit

Best thing I heard about Fox "Soft core porn looks...hard core acting"

And still people are more apt to say Kobe could not win it all without help yet LeBron's teams are filled with ringers.

annnnnddd they are on twitter. They obviously learned nothing from their last trip into that realm....

I believe it was really Chad Sasson. Dukes is a stage name. I may be wrong on the real name though.

Two men man just peed a little in his pants

Olbermann should check out the Raven's Twitter account...

Tomorrow news is that the Seahawks mascot will take a job as the OKC mascot next week.

"safe search OFF!" "erase history" awesome

Depends how many 'friends with max contracts' he needs to bring with him. Miam Heat had a ring recently before he got there and that was pre-Bosh as well.

He explicitly said "not two" though. He did count up that high...such a liar!!!

They had the chance to put a hard cap in the CBA but they failed to do that. The NBA will have waning interest because there will only be two or three teams that stand any chance going forward.

A lot harder doing sports than it is in video games huh kiddo? Can't call that step any names either

We are talking about minorities...not needy people.

So by donating money to minorities, you have the privilege to demean them? Hello Donald Sterling.

I would have liked to see Jim in this situation...for the handshake alone.

Good thing San Antonio is the Rascal Scooter capital of the world...LeBron can ride home instead of on the shoulders of Bosh and Wade.